Why are the bazaars close to the fathers? How does Bazarov's character reveal itself between his father and his father? Staged by Bazarov before the Fathers

Once again about the analysis of the episode

No one is surprised that for the final work I will again introduce those who are able to intelligently analyze the episode. What kind of study is needed to analyze a text? It’s clear that the text itself, it’s important to read this text, that it’s not at all equivalent to the folding of letters in a word and a word, setting the date, adjusting, choosing a logical lanyard, working on the new one. And it would be nice if my mother had some kind of dictionary in stock. The most beautiful "Dictionary" literary terms» or Dahl's Dictionary. And everything – we can start.

Let's try to analyze an episode from the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Children” and, without further ado, let’s take the scene of Bazarov’s departure from his home, where he was being tested for an exam in his work.

Now we're getting started, which we call an episode. For this purpose, it is necessary for our students to quickly write a vocabulary article from a vocabulary book. At the lesson we will write down the assignment. Well, the episode is “a lesson, a fragment of some kind of artistic creation, which is driven by completeness and independence.” Therefore, the character of the skin character is revealed through a number of episodes. Then, in order to understand the character, it is necessary to analyze a number of “completed fragments”. The scenes are similar to the frames of a film screen, adding something new to the image of the hero.

Now we ask students to think about what situations in people’s lives contribute to the development of their character and most clearly reveal them. Obviously, they call it the stench of childhood enmity, leaving one’s homeland, stagnation, conflicts with other people, loss of loved ones, etc. And how can one take into account turning back to his father’s little house after a long time of seeing how a person’s character is manifested? As schoolchildren return home after the summer holidays, they realize that everything has changed. Back in the fifth grade we wrote short sketches “When I return home from the holidays.”

When I come home from the holidays, I feel really sad because summer is over. Have fun, because I’ll get along with my friends and get new readers. When I go into the booth and start playing with the toy dog ​​Tyavka, everything seems less than the past. I walk into the bathtub and it looks narrow and short. And my favorite booties! Whenever I tried to climb into them, the stench was really strong. Everything has become so small - wow!

Diana Dobrinina

Now realize that there is a young man spinning around “in the same nest”, who has grown up, who has had a number of fatal experiences at the capital’s university. What is happening with this light as this world changes? How do you change your mind? How do you change your setting to the people who were nowhere to be seen from the house?

Let's re-read the beginning of the scene. The first phrase contains the key word for the novel, “nothing.” This untranslatable Russian “nothing” means “nothing terrible”, and “what to do?”, and much more. What episode is conveyed to the analysand that this word is associated with? When should it be introduced? What does it mean? Why does it sound weird at the hour of parting? We return to the stage in the Kirsanovs’ cabin, where we see Rozmov’s memory about nihilism. Well, nihilist, according to the thought of the “teaching” of Bazarov, Arkady Kirsanov, “a person who sees everything from a critical point of view.” And Pavlo Petrovich respects that “a nihilist is a person who doesn’t mess with anything.” How much does Yevgen Bazarov respect his fathers? So why, after the whole day has passed, have you ever dared to tell your dads about the Swede holiday? Let the students find in the text a description of how to receive the old father’s call. How do you feel the reader’s experiences sound? And what does the reader perceive from Bazarov himself? Why is Evgen Vasilyovich coming home so soon, in which he has not been for three years, but has only stayed for three days? Find a passage in the text about how the father’s life will change after his son’s departure.

To understand the character of the hero, it is obviously necessary to analyze all the scenes in which he suffers his fate. Aside from the list of episodes, to form the plot of the work, we will choose only one more, the third and the remaining one. With this, we will conclude our short investigation. How will the novel end? We carefully re-read the ending of the novel. Who leads Bazarov's grave? How does the description of the coin seem to sound? How do literary associations come to mind in the memory of the “accomplished” reader? It is clear that scholars would call the elegance of the mood, echoing the theme of the “countryside” of the poetry of the first quarter of the 19th century. What is the difference in the mood in which the lives of other characters in the novel are described in the 28th chapter after the death of the main character? What is the rhetorical sense of how the novel will end? How does the author himself respond to them? How do you understand the words about “eternal reconciliation”?

Using the materials collected during the lesson, students are encouraged to create a plan and write a paper on the topic “Analysis of the scene of Yevgen Bazarov’s departure from his home.”

Scene of Bazarov leaving his home

(Chapter 21, episode analysis)

According to the Dictionary of Literary Terms, the episode is “a lesson, a fragment of some kind of artistic creation that is driven by independence and completeness.” This wine is connected with the ancient Greek drama, which means “part of the action between the performances of the choir.”

As a rule, any hero is associated with a number of episodes, in which the image of that hero is revealed, and so it is expressed differently author's staging. We can say that through the “magic crystal” of the episode, the most important steps are visible. Let’s now go back to the concrete butt, to the face, to the scene of Yevgen Bazarov’s departure from his home (I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Children,” Chapter 21).

Apparently, the situation itself, having returned home after a long absence, gives the reader the opportunity to move on to what is expected, like a new stage in life. young man. (Before the speech, the novel “Fathers and Children” itself begins with the return of a young man to his native home. Thus, Arkady Mikolayovich Kirsanov turns to the old “noble nest” on May 20, 1859. Obviously, this parallel does not coincide oh.) Turning around After being at home for a long time, the son is valued from a powerful position in life, from his values ​​to the moral and aesthetic values ​​of the older generation.

But at the end of Chapter 21, before the reading, there is not a fight, but a separation. Vasil Ivanovich and Arina Vlasivna, who are evil in their khanna and trustworthy, did not provide insurance until after three rocks The daily stay lasts only three days. “I was thinking what was in us... more. Three days... That's it, that's it after three fatalities; malal, Evgene!” - so, blowing their nose and wilting little to the ground, the tears are almost addictive, like Bazarov’s father. Yogo movova fear, rogue; agitation, destruction, shouting about the inconsistency with the departure of the son, the agitation of the reader will be placed before the old Bazarovs with their songs, and before their son with storms. Ale and Bazarov did not immediately “daring to tell Vasily Ivanovich about his world.” “The whole day has passed”... And this is not so little for the decisive one, which seems to give rise to the seemingly smoldering love of Yevgen Vasilyovich. Bazarov said: “Nothing!” What's wrong with this? Is it not possible to read again until the concept “nihil, nothing”, which was introduced by Turgenev in section 5? According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a nihilist is a person who does not respect anything. And the Arkady axis respects that a nihilist is a human being, “who always has a critical eye on everything.”

And what is it? – interrupting Pavlo Petrovich.

Marvel at someone, uncle. For some it is good, but for others it is even worse.

At the scene of departure (voice 21) “it’s rotten” for everyone: Arkady, the old Bazarovs, and Evgen himself. Living in the cabin of “Old World landowners” (and even Arina Vlasievna and Vasil Kirilovich are so similar to the heroes of Gogol’s story) remains frozen. The stinks lived more than the souls of their eternal son, before whom they stood in awe. Vasil Ivanovich streams his tears, trying to convey to young people his reality: “The main thing is freedom; This is my rule... you don’t need to squeeze... don’t...” The dubious self will have to live out its days, and already “in the morning everything was screwed up in the house.” And the children, who had been trying so hard not to turbulence for the last time, “lost one of their own, had already become tired and had become decrepit.” And the lady Arina Vlasivna soothes: What to do, Vasya! Syn - cut material. What is the falcon: desires - arrivals, desires - flights; and you and I, like tree stumps in a hollow tree, sit side by side and in no place. Only I will forever miss you, just like you and me.” Without even realizing it, the old woman gives a precise and imaginative description of her life, the life of the generation of “fathers.” It is tedious and important in Bazarov’s everyday life that life is worth living “for the sake of it.” Skoda reading the old ones, cover for Evgen.

Turgenev tried to lead his hero through Lanzug. Little by little we are learning more and more about Bazarov. The theory he created does not defy the reality of life. “There is no business” - what about Ganna Odintsova and the old father? “Nature is not a temple, but a master” - but how can one perceive the replenishment of nature during a walk with Anna Sergievna? The scene of departure is of greater importance for the deterioration of the image of the main character and the formation of the reader's attitude. At the end of the novel, only old children come to the grave of Yevgen Bazarov. “Besides their prayers, their tears are fruitless? Isn’t the Kohanna, holy, the Kohanna is not omnipotent? About her!" About “eternal reconciliation and about an uncomplicated life” we talk about how to grow on the grave of the rebel and nihilist Yevgen Vasilyovich Bazarov. And the reader comes to terms with this ambiguous rank. Through hostility and unreasonable, stormy and you will sense what will arise until you understand the author's experience of the novel of his reader.

Obviously, the problem of “fathers” and “children”, which emerged from the novel by I.S. Turgenev and the warehouse is the main conflict - the problem is hourly. And this is what makes the reader more concerned, having “experienced” the scene of Bazarov’s departure from his father’s house, over his position to the older generation, over his position in life.

Bazarova's relationship with her fathers is one of the most complex conflicts that new people have ever had to face - the conflict with their fathers - “fathers” in this sense term. The purpose of our lesson is to understand why Bazarov and his fathers came together.


How to put before Evgen Yogo Batko and Mati? Let's put the story on the line, going all the way to the beginning of the XX chapter of the novel.


“Arkady pulled his head from behind the back of his comrade and nodded at the gentleman’s little boy of a tall, thin person, with shaggy hair and a thin aquiline nose, dressed in an old military frock coat. He stood with his legs crossed, smoking a long pipe and gazing at the sun.
The horses lurched.
“Having made a covenant,” Bazarov’s father said, continuing to burn, wanting to the chibouk was cut off between his fingers. - Well, get out, get out, get around. Vin began to hug his son... “Enyusha, Enyusha,” - mooning trembling woman's voice. The doors opened, and a round, short woman in a white cap and a short lined jacket appeared. Vaughn gasped, was kidnapped and fell into a melodious Yakbi Bazarov did not support it. Mitt's fluffy arms wrapped themselves around his neck, his head sunk down to his chest, and everything went dark. Just felt the occasional sniffling" (Vol. XX)

- Your son is one of the most wonderful people with whom I have ever met, - with the zest of Arkady's representatives.
Vasil Ivanovich’s eyes swelled like a raptor, and his cheeks faintly burned. The shovel fell out of his hands.
“Father, you respect...” he began to speak.
“I sing,” Arkady sighed, “that your son is counting on a great future to glorify your name.” This is where I switched with our first buddy.
- Yak... yak tse bulo? - Having said Vasil Ivanovich twice. A buried smile spread across his wide lips and did not leave them..
- Do you want to know how we got along?
- So they began to burn...
Arkady began to talk and talk about Bazarov again with great fervor, with greater passions, the evening before, when they danced the mazurka with Odintsova.
Vasil Ivanovich heard him, heard him, blew his nose, rolled the hustka in both hands, coughed, ruffled his hair - and couldn’t stand it: he swaggered up to Arkady and kissed his shoulder.
- You made me completely happy
, - having washed the wine, without ceasing to laugh, - I want to tell you that I... adore my son; I don’t talk about my old one anymore: let’s see - mother! But I don’t dare show my feelings in front of anyone, because I don’t love anyone. Vіn vorog usikh vilivіv; Many people blame such firmness in his delivery and add to it a sign of pride or callousness; ale people like you cannot be punished with even the smallest arshin, isn't it true? That axis, for example: the other in his place, pulling and pulling from his fathers; and with us, would you believe it? without taking a penny of your own, by God!
“He’s a good-natured, honest man,” Arkady said with respect.
- He’s very rude. And I, Arkady Mikolayovich, I don’t just adore him, I write to him, and all my ambition lies in the fact that from now on his biography would have the following words: “The son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, was early in his life and did not harm anything for his training...” - the old man’s voice broke off. (Vol. XXI)

The emotional state of the heroes is shown by laconic, yet very expressive details of their external behavior.


What are these people like?


Vasil Ivanovich is not a nobleman, but a riznochinets, a brother-in-law, who became a doctor. Having been a military doctor for General Kirsanov, perhaps we are very kind, because for his work during the hour of the plague epidemic in Bessarabia, he was awarded the Order of Volodymyr. Writing to those who knew the Decembrists from the “Pivdennoye Partnership”.

“What am I doing? External staff doctor, volata; Now the axis to the agronomists has been sunk. I served with your grandfather in the brigade, - I went back to Arkady, - well, well, well; I have seen a lot of things in my life. And having not been in any partnerships, I had no respect for them! I, the same me whom you wish to see before you now, I am the pulse of Prince Wittgenstein and Zhukovsky! Quietly, at the present army, on the fourteenth, you understand (and here Vasil Ivanovich meaningfully clenched his lips), knowing everyone against. Well, the one on my right is b_k; know your lancet, period! And your grandfather is a very important man, a military commander.” (Vol. XX)

“Your present bed reminds me, my lords,” he sipped his wine, “my military life, nursing home, dressing stations, there are so many haystacks here, and thank God. - He died. - I’ve experienced a lot, I’ve experienced a lot in my life. Axis, for example, if you allow me, I will tell you the most recent episode of the plague in Bessarabia.
- Why did you take away Volodymyr? - Bazarov walked up. - We know, we know... Before speaking, why aren’t you wearing anything?
“Even if I told you that I don’t take care,” Vasil Ivanovich relented (he had just previously ordered to cross the red stitch from his coat) and began to reveal the episode of the plague.” (Vol. XXI)

This is a great land lord (there are 22 souls in the name of his squad) and in his own way a hard worker. The garden of wealth with his hands, and now engages in medicinal practice: he heals the villagers, and even so, it is harmless. This is so much good, little man. He is ready to love everything that his son cares about.

- How many souls does your dad have? - asking Arkady a rapt.
- It’s not for you, but for your mother; shower, I remember, fifteen.
“And all twenty-two,” Timofiovich respected with dissatisfaction.” (Vol. XX)

“- There’s a little man here, he’s suffering for a long time...
- Tobto zhovtyanitsa?
- So, chronic and even prolonged icter. I prescribed centaury and St. John's wort for him, crushed carrots and gave him soda; ale tse everything palliative collect; I need it more urgently. You want to laugh about medicine, but I’m sorry, you can please listen to me.” (Vol. XXI)


In the galaxy of science, Vasil Ivanovich tries not to keep up, to keep up with the times. What do you think?


“... I apply myself, as best I can, without the overgrowth, as it seems, of moss, which will not stand up to the eyelids.
Vasil Ivanovich knight from the teeming new yellow foulard, who started to cry, running to Arkady’s room, and continued, waving at him in the wind:
- I’m not talking about those that, for example, I, not without sensitivity, made sacrifices for myself, putting the men on a quitrent and giving them my land for rent. I respect this with my obligation, the very prudence of whose behavior is punished, although other rulers would like not to think about this: I’m talking about science, about light.
- So; I cherish the axis in you - “Friend of health” for one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five rivers, - having respected Bazarov.
“I know an old comrade hangs out,” Vasil Ivanovich said hastily, “but we, for example, can understand about phrenology,” adding wine, however, more to Arkady and pointing to a small plaster head, o stood on the shawl, divided into numbered chotyrikutniki, - we and Schönlein are not deprived of the unknown, and Rademacher.
- Can the *** province still believe in Rademacher? - By feeding Bazarov.
Vasil Ivanovich coughed.
- In the province... Of course, you, gentlemen, are better than the nobility; Why should we follow you? You have come to our rescue. And in my hour, every humoralist Goffman, every Brown with his vitalism seemed even funny, and they also made a face. Even if you have replaced Rademacher with a new one, you worship him, but for twenty years, perhaps, you will laugh at that. “I’ll tell you quietly,” Bazarov said, “that we have now left medicine and laugh and don’t show off before anyone.” (Vol. XX)

Everything that they can talk about is far from Bazarov’s current science, the newspaper “Friend of Health” has become like an old saw - from just a few years ago (1855).
Vasil Ivanovich writes that phrenology understands, but it is a poor science, and is already extremely outdated.
Vasil Ivanovich's greatest authority is Rademacher, a disciple of the great, who is still alive in the 16th century.
And those that seem to be progressive, and indeed progressive, are equal to the activity of others - nothing less than a “palliative” approach. And Bazarov is a fan of not half-hearted, but cool, revolutionary approaches.

* “Palliative” (half-partial) approach – those that give only a temporary effect.

Arina Vlasivna is a person of a different time, a different way of living, a different way of life. Ale in the novel is shown in top rank as a dearly loving mother.

“Arina Vlasivna was a Russian noblewoman for a long time; It would be a trace of life for two hundred years, at the old Moscow clock. She was very pious and sensitive, she believed in all sorts of signs, fortune tellers, names, dreams; I believed in the holy fools, the Budinkovs, the Lisoviks, the nasty Zustricha, the Psuvannya, the People's Likas, the Thursday Night, the Swedish End of the World; I believed that since the candles do not go out on Easter Sunday, then buckwheat will come into being, and that the mushroom will not grow any more, which will hurt people’s eyes; I believed that the devil love would be there, like water, and that in the skin of the Jew there was a crooked coin on the breasts; I was afraid of mice, snakes, toads, horobts, leeches, thunder, cold water, through the wind, horses, goats, ore people and black guts and the scurrying of animals and dogs with unclean creatures; There was no veal, no pigeons, no crayfish, no sire, no asparagus, no earthen pears, no hare, no cavoons, because the cut cavoons remind the head of John the Baptist; and she spoke about the oyster in no other way than when talking about zdriganni; she loved to eat - and she posted voraciously; I slept for ten years at a time - and didn’t lie down at all, because Vasily Ivanovich’s head started to hurt; I didn’t read any books, except Alexis’s, or Khatini’s in the forest, I wrote one, or maybe two leaves on the river, and in the reign, I knew a lot about dried and jam, although I didn’t touch anything with my own hands and reluctantly collapsed from the place. Arina Vlasivna was very kind and, in her own way, not at all bad. She knew that there were gentlemen in the world who punish the guilty, and common people who are obliged to serve, and she did not rave them either with the forest or with prostrations; Yet she treated her friends kindly and kindly, she didn’t let a year’s marriage pass without a handout, and she didn’t judge anyone, even though she would flog for hours. In her youth she was even more pretty, played the harpsichord and spoke a little French; but with a stretch of rich mandrivkas with her man, for whom she was released, melted and forgot the music and French language. She loved her son and was incredibly afraid; she waved control over Vasily Ivanovich - and no longer entered into anything: she groaned, waved her cheeks, and raised her eyebrows more and more as only the old one began to talk about the future changes and about your plans. Vaughn was incredulous, constantly awaiting some great misfortune and crying at once, as she just thought about this misfortune... Such women are now shifting. God knows - why should I please you! (Vol. XX)


How did you play the role of daddy for your son? How can the stink now marvel at his activity?


The old men tried everything they could. Vasil Ivanovich writes that “he did not harm anything for his training.” “The son of a simple staff physician, who, however, was early in his discovery of his and without having done anything for his spiritual treatment...”

They helped their sons in any way they could, even though they themselves lived poorly. It is to Bazarov’s honor to note that they “didn’t take a penny from them” (Chapter XXI). Vasil Ivanovich seems to have discovered the truth early, to realize that people are very intelligent, and to show her the way to science (Chapter XXI).


What kind of confidence does Vasil Ivanovich place on his son?


“... because the medical field does not reach the same popularity that you prophesy?” "You will be famous!" (Gol. XXI).

Vasil Ivanovich understands that Bazarov is an unimportant person, and at the same time he is even worthless and not foolish. Father guesses that his popularity is not in the medical field, but what he admires most is not those that his Evgen will do, but those that he will know. Vasil Ivanovich writes like a son, although he hardly understands his meta.


How can Bazarov be ranked before the fathers?


Bazarov loves his fathers deeply. It’s easy to say about this Arkady: “I love you, Arkady!” And tse chimalo u yogo vustakh. At the first moment of meeting with his father, he marvels at him out of love: “Hey, hey! Yak vin, however, posiv, badolakha! “...Sit down here on the sofa and let me marvel at you.” (Vol. XX)


Why do dads take a look at their son? What is Bazarova’s way of living?


For all love there is no stench: Bazarov cannot easily flatten the difference in views and goals in life. “Deafer life, life at home”, behind tired laws, is enlivened only by the “generosity” of the villagers - such a life is impossible for Bazarov to accept.

It is noticeable that Bazarov not only does not disagree with his father, but also does not support the spirit of his father’s talk about politics: “about the grave battles that inspired his Napoleonic policy and the confusion of the Italian food”, about the reform, what is being prepared. He blames himself for allegedly “teasing” (yogo viraz) his father, embarrassing him with what he knows, like punishing the vixx of a quitted man. Bazarov's estate - rework the basics of life: "Regulate your marriage, and there will be no illness." But it is not possible to turn the basics of life into fathers.


Is it easy for Bazarov to endure such a camp?


You can’t talk about your bad luck. Bazarov does not want to embarrass the fathers. Having decided to go, he couldn’t say anything about his father all day long, except to say goodbye to him, saying “with strained posihannie.” He is embarrassed by having made his father angry before leaving, he is “completely” ready to freeze up during the hour of work, he tries to talk to his mother, otherwise... “you will go before her - and there is nothing to say to her.” This complex and hopeless, in its own way, tragic conflict with the fathers, farmers and loving people. The best way out for such a person is to “emphasize the territory”, his father’s, and focus on the “neutral smoothie”. The bazaars are so busy.


How can Turgenev himself be surprised at this conflict, who judges Bazarov and how he will not feel lost from the reader who has read this chapter?


Turgenev does not blame Bazarov, he explains why this happened, but at the same time Turgenev sings to his fathers about their great turmoil, which seems to Father's farm- “Holy, it’s almost impossible.”

“Shock your father and mate.” Just look at the discord in life, but it is not wrong to respect mutual friendship between fathers and children.


Volodymyr Korovin. Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev. // Encyclopedia for children "Avanta +". 9. Russian literature. Part of the persha. M., 1999
N.I. Yakushin. I.S. Turgenev's life and creativity. M.: Russian word, 1998
L.M. Lotman. I.S. Turgenev. History of Russian literature. Volume three. Leningrad: Science, 1982. Z. 120 – 160

Youth is the hour of acquiring wisdom, old age is the hour of stagnation.
J.-J. Rousseau

Arkady Kirsanov, spending the day with the Bazarovs’ mother, asks his older friend-reader how to love that father, and responds directly: “I love you, Arkady” (XXI). Bazarov seems to be telling the truth. He also harms his fathers by “not taking the borrowed money” (XXI). In a terrible way, life thinks about them. So, before the duel with Pavel Petrovich, his dreamer’s mother is in love, and before death, understanding the father’s camp, she no longer sends her love to them. Vіn constantly remembers about his “old ones”, because, roaming around the province of Arkady, all the time he is on the lookout for the end of the year’s journey — father’s plans, and Vіn knows for sure — his impatient check say: “No, You need to get to your dad. (...) from *** at thirty versts. I haven’t studied for a long time, and I’m already here; The elderly need to be quiet. The stink in me is garni, especially my dad: funny. And I am alone in them” (XI). Prote Arkady set his supply in an unusual way. Bazarov's boots to the fathers, as they marvel from the side, seem cold, even hostile: there is little tenderness in the boots.

In literary studies of “Fathers and Children”, the main character has a tendency to contact the strangers, if only the ignorance leads to the fathers. How fair are you throwing it away?

First doctor: Bazarov is in no hurry to get home, but before the speech, not after three days, but right away to the Kirsanovs, then at provincial town, then at Odintsova’s markers. Having managed to find the father's markings, he is seen in home Just three days and back again. So Bazarov shows, seemingly, disrespect for the old fathers. But the hero’s own actions can be explained differently. Poverty is the axis of reason, through which the hero failed to reach his father for three years. It is possible to let it go, I just won’t smear the pennies to the Dodoma to the Dodoma Kanit -Kanikuli, shut -off (at Klinitzi, Settlement), Koshti for the offensive by the Nasty RIK - Ajovati Groshi at the Batkive Vyn is nonsense.

Bazaars for giving people a friend, drinkable and independent. Vіn, regardless of poverty, reached out to the university students to celebrate his hundredth with Arkady and Sitnikov’s vengeance (XII). The young nihilist finds life in his father’s sedate little hut boring: here, besides father Oleksiy, there is no one to talk to. Those tremulous daddy’s turbots about “drinks” and “yalovichina” are important for the beloved Enyushenka. Axis said to Arkady: “It’s crazy; I want to practice, but I can’t do it here. (...) ...father told me: “My office is up to your services - no one will respect you”; and he doesn’t see me for a moment. It’s a shame to hesitate in front of someone. Well and mothers the same. I feel like she’s lurking behind the wall, and you’ll come before her and say nothing to her” (XXI). Nowadays, Bazarova across the river checks for a serious graduation from the university, and, instead of replacing other heroes in the novel, we intend not to wait, but to work all summer. As a result, apparently, Arkady, his playmate and university friend, is still in St. Petersburg receiving a request to stay in Mar'ina - so that Bazarov can ensure his peace of mind, spend the summer and not be a burden to his fathers.

Other document: great hero reveals the extreme egoism of the fathers, who do not give them enough respect. However, one should not forget that the young nihilist comes to his father’s side after an important explanation with Odintsova. If you are experiencing failure in your life, you are looking for self-confidence and some kind of fun, then you can’t bear to endure your father’s caresses. When you go to Mar'ino, where, as a guest, you have the right not to indulge yourself in the everyday “things of life” (XXII), and just give in to your work. Unrespectful in this world, dokir in hisism, addressing Bazarov, fair.

And who treats the novel’s “children” any differently? Budinka Odintsova’s old aunt, Princess H...ya, is still alive, and “they didn’t lose their respects, although they treated her shamelessly” (XVI). Arkady, having turned at once from Bazarov to his father in Mar’ino, is unable to forget the beautiful Odintsova: “... first of all, I knew only a few shoulders, as if I had told you that you might get bored in one go with Bazarov, and in another!” “Under Father’s spirit, but I definitely felt bored and had the urge to get going” (XXII). “Rough son” Bazarov, having tried his father for three days and having been forced, “low son” Arkady, still tired of the farm, having tried a little more: “Ten days have not passed since the hour of my return to Mar’ino, as again, under the drive modification of the mechanism weekly schools, gallop at the place, and go to Mikilskogo” (ibid.). These current “fathers”, the most important problems of life, were posed to the fathers not long ago. Mikola Petrovich Kirsanov remembers: “One time I got into an argument with my late mother: she screamed, she didn’t want to hear me... I found myself telling her that you, having spoken, cannot understand me; We, having spoken, depend on two different generations. She's already formed..." (XI). Obviously, such behavior of other characters in the novel does not vindicate Bazarov, but rather shows that the good “children” of the “ancestors” are little different from the decisive nihilist. And in current literary studies, they are usually praised and given credit for the butt of the main character.

Third document: Bazarov shows disrespect for his fathers, as long as he does not recognize their peculiarities. Lying under a haystack of hay in his father’s womb, Bazarov murmurs: “... it stinks, my fathers are busy and don’t worry about powerless worthlessness, they don’t stink...” (XXI). The image of the “little people”, so many varied representations in Russian literature, completely overlaps with similar views of Bazarov. Pushkin at his acquaintance Station inspector”, Gogol in the story “The Overcoat”, Turgenev himself in the story “Povitovyi kar”, etc. bring up that " little person Only it seems primitive, but you will be surprised at this new person with his folded inner light with deep thoughts, lofty living principles.

Arguing that his idea about the old Bazarovs is completely untrue, Turgenev brings up the facts, which a nihilist knows, but does not respect with the facts. The young Bazarov affectionately and ironically calls his father Vasil Ivanovich “funny grandpa” (XX), and now the elder Bazarov, being the son of the uncle, has become a man of the people, because of his ease and vigor, and has become a doctor. The son himself knows that Vasil Ivanovich “was a strong former Latinist in his time, and was awarded a great medal for his work” (XXI). Senior Bazarov is completely heroic biography: taking the fate The Great Patriotic War 1812, “matzav pulse” from Field Marshal Witgenstein, and from the poet Zhukovsky, and from the future Decembrists; for his services to the state (he actively fought against the plague epidemic in Bessarabia), he was stripped of the Order of St. Volodymyr (ibid.) and, therefore, the noble title of his future offspring. The young Bazarov easily respects this noble father, but does not understand that the rank of nobility makes his life in Russia even easier.

In Arina Vlasivna - to his mother - Bazarov gives an extra garne to the housewife. During her life, she read one book - the French sentimental novel “Alexis or Khatina in the Forest”, so the student doesn’t know what to talk about with this simple-minded old woman. It’s all about Arkady’s attitude, who is especially aware of how to live without maternal stress and affection: “You don’t know your mother, Evgene. She’s not just a miracle woman, she’s even more intelligent, really” (XXI). Bazarov and Nevtyamki, that his little mother is a wise friend and a reassuring father. If, after staying for three days, Vasil Ivanovich weeps at the image of self-importance, but Arina Vlasivna knows the words to encourage the person in the most soulful spirit, wanting her bitterly unimportant son: “Why bother Vasya, ! Syn - cut material. (...) I will always lose you forever, just like you will lose me” (there).

Vlasiy’s grandfather, the second-major, who took part in Suvorov’s Italian campaign, was not honored with the bazaar honor. It’s true that such a villain could have appeared in Bazarov, a democrat in spirit, at the peak of his noble worship before his long-time family leader. Even more so, another grandfather - Ivan Bazarov - having avoided critical analysis: in the super-church with Pavel Petrovich, he is a nihilist and proud to say about him: “My grandfather ravaged the earth” (X).

Fourth Dokor: Bazarov is put in a disrespectful and condescending manner before living principles their fathers, and these principles, among others, stem from the philosophy of the ancient Greek Epicurus (341-270 BC), originally developed in the poetry of the Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC). Horace at his heights, presenting the philosophy of the poor, aka cultural people, who looks for happiness in the “golden mean”, such as small prosperity, pandering over addictions, a calm and peaceful life with the blessings of life. Peace and calm, behind Horatia, allow people to preserve their internal independence. It is easy to notice that the old Bazarovs live like this: they are content with little and do not bow to anyone. Arina Vlasivna watches the man, talks about the life and order of her little home, and Vasil Ivanovich rejoices at the villagers and decorates his garden-city, enjoying nature and the world of life: “In what place I love To philosophize, to marvel at the setting of the sun: to see the desert. And there, far away, I planted a handful of trees that Horace loved” (XX), he confesses to Arcadia.

The significance of the living philosophy of “fathers” and “children” is manifested in the world-famous Horatianism, which is actively offensive to nihilism: “So,” having begun Bazarov, “the marvelous essence people. As you marvel so much from the side and from afar at the remote life that the “fathers” lead here, you wonder: what’s better? Well, drink and know that you are doing it in the most correct, most reasonable manner. That's it: she's still healthy. I want to fuss with people, I want to bark at them, but I want to fuss with them” (XXI).

Nigilist Bazarov is obviously dear to his Fatherland, the Gorosyaki Parting Intelekta, who was populated by the inside, Ale Older, for Turgenevim, wise for Sina, that vni life in the harmonication of Zi Svit. In the famous super-chic with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov declares: “... I will then be ready to serve you if you give me one resolution in our daily life, for the family and the community, so that I do not have to repeat that merciless punishment” (X) . And the axis of life (and there is, according to Turgenev’s interpretation, a rich and varied theory) to put the young nihilist in line with such a “decision.” The family and the family life of their powerful fathers are wary and have the greatest value, so that they cannot be destroyed by a terrible blow - the death of their only son, the nihilist himself.

Also, the Bazarovs illustrate the eternal way in which conflict changes in one generation. Old fathers adore and fear their high-born and self-sung son. Before his arrival, Vasily Ivanovich removed the medal pin from his frock coat and sent out a distant lad who was seen picking up flies with his silky feathers at lunchtime. In the presence of a son, people of old age hesitate to say an unspoken word (and rapt is not worthy of him), to show their feelings (“... there is no one to love. Vin is the enemy of all viliivs” - XXI). One hundred percent of Bazarov’s fathers are united by love and turbot (do not “pull” pennies from the elderly), affection and rapid assessments.

Bazarov’s dry and harsh approach to the fathers may be a legacy of either the intolerant, selfish character or youth. Why Bazarova is worried is probably due to another reason. After that, as a self-confessed nihilist, he had once again said goodbye to his friend-student Arkady Kirsanov, due to Marina’s troubles (having wounded Pavel Petrovich in a duel), and, having tried justice, undivided company, Bazarov arrived at the fathers. The one who had nowhere else to go, and the one who counted on and loved him, did not care about all his shortcomings and mistakes.

Now his relationship with his father becomes soft, and under the hour of a short fatal illness, his stream of love for his father and mother opens up. He must not swear, so as not to babble at the elders, he will wait for them to take communion, and ask Odintsov to calm them down after her death: “Even such people, like the stench, (...) the great light will not know in the day without fire” (XXVII) . At the end of the novel, the generational conflict in the Bazarov family is resolved in both a moral and physical sense, and the remaining lines of the novel are perceived as the “hymn of Father’s farm” (Herzen), all-forgiving and unchangeable.

The scene turned around at the next nest and we were already there. Turning around is a sign of joy. The final has a goal. 21 - before us is the scene from " homely nest" And even before you read it, you feel a sense of confusion, confusion, because leaving is a parting. It’s difficult for both sides, those who lead and see off.

The scene of departure begins with Bazarov’s phrase: Nothing! Have fun." And this Bazarian “nothing” could sound like “nothing terrible.” For starters, “get over the pain, calm down.” Everything is in the style of Bazarian nihilism. Otherwise, all day long, the first Bazarov will talk about his world iti Vasil Ivanovich. Another small detail. Alevona is not so small for the decisive one that seems to give rise to the smoldering love of Yevgeny Bazarov.

The decision was so undeniable that the rich Vasil Ivanovich, as a result of his ruin, “spread to the place.” How destructive they are in their love until the son of Grandfather Bazarov. They didn’t insure that their Inyusha, after three days of absence, stays for only three days. Vasil Ivanovich, wagging his hustka, blowing his nose, sneezing to the ground, not understanding his reason, getting along with his son (so as not to imagine), will be even confused: “I was thinking that we have... longer, three days... Tse, tse after three rocks, a meltdown; obmal, Evgeniy.” And these words contain everything: the image of the father, and destruction, destruction. They tried so hard for their son, they looked forward to his arrival. Arina Vlasivna, especially for her son’s sake, asked the lady to tidy up the room so that her son’s room would be quiet. And Vasil Ivanovich never dared to tell his son about those who “blindly stood on their clothes, standing with bare feet in shoes, entrusting Timofiyovich with various purchases, especially those that burdened the real world...”. And all this is for Evgen, son, so that he does not see the rubbish, so that he deserves it. Only the stench of their eternal son lived and revered him. The beautiful Vasil Ivanovich is still trembling, still streaming tears, still trying to show his sadness in front of young people: “Head is freedom; This is my rule... there is no need to separate...” And Asha Arina, her old one, having hurt her, did not want to say anything, because she knew what a grief this news would be for her. And the morning of the coming day will become darker for them overnight.

There is no need to comment on the row that tells about the remaining illnesses of separation. You need to read it. Having denounced Vasily Ivanovich for nothing, he was still shaking his head, speaking loudly and knocking his feet, and poor Arina Vlasivna was still quietly crying. It is impossible to say what Bazarov, the nihilist, felt like he was in the mood for, but it was the same. His heart trembled, and he decided to turn around no later than a month. After talking to calm down, quiet down.

As soon as the horse's axle was destroyed, the bell rang - "and there was nothing left to marvel at." How great is the grief of the fathers. What does the future expect from them? The dubious ones, betting one against the other, will have to live out their days. One, like a finger, one “at home already felt like a rash and became decrepit at home.” And, bowing her gray head to the gray head of her man, Arina Vlasivna soothes: “What to do, Vasya! Sin - cut material. What is the falcon: desires - arrivals, desires - departures; and you and I, like tree stumps in a hollow tree, sit side by side and in no place. Only I will forever be lost to you, just as you are to me.” And in these words there is a picture of the life of the generation of “fathers” that is coming. Singingly, broadly, the Skoda of the old Bazarovs. Cover for Evgen. But you can already feel that this unfounded theory does not survive the test of life.

Evgen Bazarov - smut Diyova person Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Children". Bazarov’s character is a young woman, a perennial nihilist, who is disrespectful towards mysticism and has little respect for natural science, typical representative new

a generation of milky young people. The main plot of the novel is the conflict between fathers and children, the local way of life and daily changes.

U literary criticism Much respect is due to the life of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the special character of Arkady Mikolayovich (Bazarov’s friend), but there is very little to say about the struggles of the main character with his fathers. Such an approach, even without training, and even without interacting with one’s fathers, is impossible to fully understand one’s character.

Bazarov's fathers are simply good-natured children who love their son so much. Vasil Bazarov (father) is an old district doctor who leads the tedious, barren life of a poor landowner, without ever doing anything for a good medical treatment.

Arina Vlasivna (mother) is a noblewoman, who “needed to be born in the era of Peter the Great,” and such a caring woman is so kind as to be able to take care of just one right thing - to cook miraculously herbs. The image of Bazarov's fathers, such a symbol of ossified conservatism, is contrasted with the main character - meticulous, reasonable, sharp in judgment. However, regardless of the different worldly eyes, Bazarov’s father truly loves his son, without Evgen, all their free time is spent thinking about him.

Bazarov approaches his father’s call rather dryly, but it is imperative to love them, but there is no sound until the deepest sounds of feeling, which are burdened by a constant obsessive respect. We can’t make sense with either our father or our mother, we can’t have discussions with them like we can with Arkady’s family. It is important for Bazarov to understand that we cannot take anything from ourselves. In one breath, he is too good for his brains, so he doesn’t care to study natural sciences in his office. Bazarov’s father miraculously understands this and prays to every single child, but such a situation is, of course, very difficult for them to bear.

Perhaps, Bazarov’s main problem was that he was not understanding his fathers, due to the great difference in intellectual development and equal education, and without taking away their moral support, that is why such an emotionally cold person who often looked like new people.

However, Father's little booth gives us another Yevgen Bazarov - a gentle, understanding, reminiscent of tender feelings that cannot be revealed through internal barriers.

The characterization of Bazarov’s fathers leaves us dumbfounded: how could people with such progressive views grow up in such a patriarchal situation? Turgenev soon shows us what a person can do on her own. However, it also shows Bazarov’s main mercy - his alienation from his fathers, even though they loved their child as she was, and even suffered from her marriage. Bazarov’s fathers outlived their son, but his death ended with his death.