Russian National Theater Prize and Gold Mask Festival.

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Golovna Landscape design"War and Peace. The beginning of a novel" at the "Master of Peter Fomenko"

The new first volume of “War for Peace” staged by Pyotr Fomenok is a 2002 rock sensation

In 2002, the greatest harvest of “Golden Masks” was collected by “Pyotr Fomenko’s Workshop”.

Chotirigodina’s production “War and Peace.

The Cob of the Novel”, based on the first volume of Tolstoy’s epic, was named the most beautiful of small forms, Petro Fomenko received a prize for directing, and Galina Tyunina - for the best role of a woman.

Jewelry direction and polyphony of meanings, delicacy and high style, corporate lightness and precision of the actors, who perform energetically and purely, neither writing on the go - the performance has removed everything for which to love Enok."

At first glance, the production takes place behind the Vikonavian warehouse, with a secluded atmosphere and the energy of the master’s presence. miraculous rank chimeric support of selfhood. In 2007 there was a production with the leading troupe artist Vasil Bochkariyov leading role took off the “Gold Mask” Naykrascha Vistava

great form.

This is not the first stage of the Maly Theater that has been awarded a major theater prize - in 2004, a special prize from the jury was awarded to “Truth is good, and happiness is better” for Ostrovsky, also staged by Zhenovach.

“Skinny Read” at the “Studio of Theatrical Mystery” Conservative theater at its best The author's theater of Sergei Zhenovach is one of the most popular in the area, moreover, it is purely a sign of the current times.

Here we put on classics, especially Russian, especially in costumes of the depicted era and strictly in accordance with the plot.

But the reason for the popularity is not so much in the conscious choice of the good old theater, as in the rare level of mastery, which will not only attract a crowd of spectators to the theater, but has been repeatedly identified by experts "Golden Mask" jury.

The winners of the prize

different fates

they staged “The Battle of Life” for Dickens, “Richka Potudan” for Platonov, and the first production of “STI” - “The Skinny Row” for Leskov.

In the remaining young artists, Yaki Todi (in 2007 Rotsi), Tilki was rejected with diplomas, for 4 non -perishaly prodigye, the Godini is inherently resiliently residently live the tribute of the rimmo family of the post -melodious table.

“Shukshin’s Confirmation” at the Theater of Nations

All Shakespeare in one menu

You come to the cafe, take one of five tables, and from the menu, instead, choose one of Shakespeare’s numerous songs (you can then choose the same).

Once everyone has made their vows, it will begin: at the small nativity scene for guests, the five rites of this evening will be celebrated by the English bard in the format of an ultra-short retelling by the dolls.

The works were worked on by a team of playwrights and the author's team of the finest doll theater in Moscow - the Tin Theater.

Tickets for performances at this theater cannot be purchased, but you can request and receive notifications about upcoming shows. “Cook Cafe “W.Shakespeare”” took away the “Golden Mask” in 2015 as a highlight of the Doll Theater. Taking her play “The Epic of Lilikan” to the same city, five years ago, it is still preserved in the current repertoire.

"Oh. "Pizne Kohannya" at the "School of Dramatic Mystery"

An absurdist action movie with an old-fashioned story - with overdressing, electric shock and blood.

The show of Dmitra Krimov and his followers from GITIS - an absurd action with mindless fights, crooked fights and dances - behind the forgotten song of Ostrovsky.

To literally drink, and not, as Krimov calls it, from a psychedelic vinaigrette from a mustache light

Among those that received the largest number of nominations were the Moscow Great Theatre, the Opera and Ballet Theater of Yekaterinburg, the Maly Drama and Great Drama Theaters of St. Petersburg, the Mosradi Theater and the Red Torch (Novosibirsk).

Present at the ceremony were the director of the Great Theater Volodymyr Urin, the leading theater director Robert Sturua, the head director of the RAMT Oleksiy Borodin, Marina and Dmitro Brusnikini, the head of the Union of Theater Actors Alexander Kalyagin, the actress Mosrad Theater and People's Artist of Russia Nina.

Before the presentation to the city, the director of the “Golden Mask” Maria Revyakina asked the audience to make a fortune for Georgy Taratorkin, who won the prize for over 20 years and died in 2017.


The main prize of the prize for the best dramatic performance of great form went to “Russian Novel” to the Mayakovsky Theater.

And the most famous director of the jury in another river is Andriy Moguchy, who staged the play “The Thunderstorm” at the Great Drama Theater named after Tovstonogov.

The jury also awarded "Magadan/Cabaret" to the theater "Bilya Budinka Stanislavsky" - as the most beautiful performance of a small form.

“I would like to give as quickly as possible to my dear people.

For us, this reader, the director of the Maly Drama Theater Lev Dodin, who has the strength, strength, and inner drama, does not stage “Hamlet” in a comfortable form, but stage it in a new way, which today cannot but be staged... I want to say thank you to my family, my father and my mother, who often asked me, where is the mask, and now I’m wearing it,” Kozlovsky said at the award ceremony. The most beautiful dramatic actress was Evgenia Simonova, who played Sofia Tolsta in the show “Russian Novel” at the Mayakovsky Theater. The award for stealing the role of a wife went to Oleni Nemzer iz

Oleksandrinsky Theater

for the role of Pantaloni in the production of “The Raven”, and the character - Holgen Münzenmayer, who won the role of the Deacon in the production of “Once Upon a Time”

Dramatic theater


The prize for the best female role in an opera was won by Nadiya Pavlova, who played Violetta Valerie in “La Traviata” at the Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm, and for the most female role in an opera - Leparit Avetisyan for the Chevalier des Grieux in the opera eti “Manon” by Muzichny and Nemirovich -Danchenka.

Opera and musical

The winner of the award in the nomination “The most beautiful performer in opera/musical” was “The Binder and the King” for the Young Looker Theater in Krasnoyarsk.

In the nomination “Best female role in an opera-musical,” the winner was Maria Biork for the role of Sonya in the show “Malice and Punishment” for the Musical Theatre, directed by Andriy Konchalovsky.

Also for this work, a prize was awarded to composer Eduard Artem'ev.

“Golden Mask” for the best human role in this category, losing to Viktor Krivonis for his role in the show “Biliy.

Petersburg” to the Musical Comedy Theater near St. Petersburg. The award for the best performing role in an opera/musical went to Volodymyr Galchenko at the Gorky Drama Theater in Samara. The most successful director in the opera/musical was Roman Feodori from the Young Looker Theater in Krasnoyarsk, and the director was Andriy Alekseev from the Musical Comedy Theater in St. Petersburg.


The prize for the best female role in a ballet and daily dance went to Viktoria Tereshkina for her role in the show “Violin Concerto #2”

Mariinsky Theater

, and for the best human role in the ballet is Igor Bulitsin, who played Mercutio in “Romeo and Gellietti” at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Yekaterinburz.

The ballet’s greatest director was Pavlo Klinichov for the performance “Ondine” at the Bolshoi Theater, which, however, was not an intrigue, as he was the only contender for the award in this nomination for three times. The best work of the choreographer/choreographer at the ballet and daily dance the jury recognized the performance “Violin Concerto #2” by Anton Pimonov at the Mariinsky Theater. The most beautiful show in the current dance was the production of “All Roads Lead to Pivnich” by the Ballet Moscow Theater. In this case, the prize for the best performance in a ballet was awarded to the Opera and Ballet Theater in Yekaterinburz for “Romeo and Juliet.” Georgy Kotov, actor at the Oleksandrinsky Theater Mikola Marton, artist at the Moscow Art Theater im.

Chekhov and “Snuff Boxes” Oleg Tabakov and actor of the Vakhtangov Theater Volodymyr Etush.

    The honorary prize "For the promotion of theatrical art in Russia" was awarded to the charitable foundation "Mystery, Science and Sports", founded in 2006 by Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist Alisher Usmanov.

    Mask - pick up the promotional code on the Academy, what is it, JOY by JOY or you can buy the mask at a discount on sale in JOY by JOY

    – “Golden Mask” All-Russian Theater Festival, a national theater award, founded in 1994 by the Union of Russian theater workers and awarded to representatives of all genres of theatrical art: drama, opera, ballet, opera and musical... Iya GOLDEN MASK, Russian national theater award. Founded by Spіlka theatrical artists in 1994. beautiful robots

    season for all types of theatrical art: dramas, operas, ballets, operettas (musicals), doll theaters. Awards… … season for all types of theatrical art: dramas, operas, ballets, operettas (musicals), doll theaters. Encyclopedic dictionary

    season for all types of theatrical art: dramas, operas, ballets, operettas (musicals), doll theaters. Gold mask - Masque d or Pour l’article homonyme, voir Masque d Or.

    Le Masque d'or (en russe

    ) est un festival russe de théâtre créé en 1994 et doté d un prix prestigieux. Le festival accueille des spectacles de théâtre, d opéra, de… … Wikipédia en Français

    - (Prize) ... Spelling dictionary of Russian language The Golden Mask is the All-Russian Theater Festival, which will soon present in Moscow the most important performances from Russia.,… … Le festival accueille des spectacles de théâtre, d opéra, de… … Wikipédia en Français

    “Golden Mask” is a National Theater Award, which was founded in 1994 by the Spilka Society of Theatrical... ... Wikipedia National Theater Award "Gold Mask" Le festival accueille des spectacles de théâtre, d opéra, de… … Wikipédia en Français

    Encyclopedia of Newsmakers History of the festival and the “Gold Mask” awards - The Russian National Theater Award Gold Mask was founded in 1993 by the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation as a professional award for the best work of the season in all types of theatrical art (drama, opera, ballet,

Today's dance 3 570

This spring in Moscow there is one of the most significant events in the world of mysticism and culture - the Russian theater festival of the Golden Mask, which attracts the respect of tens of thousands of spectators and theatergoers from all over the region .

The largest theater groups from all over Russia present their works on the famous theatrical Maidan squares of the capital. Receipts for theatrical performances

buy up months before the end of the cob.

Gold Mask Festival 2019 Festival Gold Mask 2019 We will go through the traditional stages of winter and spring in Moscow. Dates of the festival

from 16 February to 16 October

. Festival You can watch other performances on the theater squares of the capital. Gold Mask - Award Presentation Why was the festival awarded the prize? will be 16th quarter

on the historical stage

Great Theater


The festival is held at the fierce - kvitny on the stage Maidans of Moscow.

About the Festival

The award was first founded in 1993.

He loves the following genres: drama, ballet, opera, contemporary dance, as well as genres such as musicals and operetta, doll theater.

All theatergoers and lovers of mysteries have a unique opportunity to enjoy the finest theatrical, musical, opera, dance and skit productions presented by leading theaters of the region.

The uniqueness of this project lies in the fact that all performances can be performed in one place, and on the stage spaces and squares of the capital.

There is always a stir around one of the most prestigious theater awards in our country. Onlookers are eagerly awaiting the names of the laureates and winners of the Golden Mask. It’s great that the festival has a lot of cobs

creative way

theater directors and artists, actors and screenwriters, dancers and ballet masters, composers and musicians have the miraculous ability to show their talent throughout the country and gain popular recognition and love of spectators.

It is a great honor for any theater and actor to receive the Gold Mask Award, which is the highest level of recognition of talent and the results of work on a role or theatrical production.


We invite you to marvel at how one of the brightest moments in the theatrical world emerges.

Well, as the old clerk says: it’s better to talk about it yourself once, not a hundred times almost about those that were so bad. The department called it inappropriate to avoid confusion among the organizers of the main theater city of Russia, who said that the award may be “maximally independent” Photo: Volodymyr Vyatkin / RIA Noviny

The Ministry of Culture of Russia is no longer considered to be the organizer of the main theater award of the region, about leaving the list of organizers, please see the letter signed by the intercessor of the head of the department, Pavel Stepanov, directed to the head of the Union of Theatrical Workers ( STD) to Oleksandr Kalyagin (in the order of RBC, copies of the sheet are also sent to the premiums and festival "Gold Mask" to Igor Kostolevsky and<...>to CEO

ANO “Festival “Gold Mask” by Maria Revyakina).

“In connection with the fact that the agency does not take into account the importance of acting as the organizer of the award

Igor Kostolevsky and Maria Revyakina confirmed to RBC that they had removed the sheet from the Ministry of Culture.

“We actually tore off this entire sheet. We confronted Pavel Stepanov, explaining that the government organization did not want to interfere with community organization

with the drive of expert rads.

We were told that assistance and funding – everything would be lost,” Kostolevsky said.

“Coming leaf. After tearing off the sheet, we agreed with the intercessor of the minister, Pavel Volodimirovich Stepanov, who said that it was obvious that the primary role should belong to the chief minister. And it is important that the sovereign body has no sense in receiving expert advice, which allows a huge professional organization to operate.

As they worked, so they work,” Revyakina respected.

Oleksandr Kalyagin did not answer RBC's calls.