What to paint the creature. Beautiful pictures of creatures for coating


Artists who depict creatures are called animalists (from the Latin word animal - creature). When painting animals, the first thing you need to figure out is what parts make up their coat and what shapes and parts of the body.
For example, let's take a look at the picture of an elephant. What kind of trunk does he have? Yak legs, wooha? What size? What color is the color of the elephant? Farbakh has no gray color, how to get rid of him?

Baby rabbits begin to emerge from large parts (tube and heads). I have great respect for the shape of his head and his coat. How long does it take for a rabbit to wow? What is the color?

Now let’s try to paint the hare step by step. It’s obvious that a hare looks like a rabbit. How many paws does a hare have? What kind of paws are there - front and back? What color do we paint the hare's flight, and what color do we paint the winter's coat?

And you can also paint a hare like this, vikorist and familiar positions (colo, oval, etc.).

Yaki still; Do the creatures have a gray color? This is a hippopotamus, a goat, a hedgehog. Let’s look at the hippopotamus’s jacket: what parts are it made of? What shape does a hippopotamus have? What is the largest part of a hippopotamus's body?

The skin can be painted behind an apple. Little hedgehogs already love apples, and we can’t pick out fruits.

A lion.
All the creatures are brown or zhovtogo kvitiv? Witch, giraffe, lion, squirrel, deer. Let's marvel at the little lion. This guy has thick hair on his head, it’s called a mane. Wow, her lion looks so majestic. Before the speech, the left's manes do not sag.


Painting a small gum deer. I have the utmost respect for my dear little one. What shape is a deer's head? What shape is the tulub?

Painting a tall giraffe. I have the utmost respect, as in the new dovga shiya and a small head with horns. The giraffe's legs are even longer, and at the ends there are small tips.


I admire the little ones with respect. What shape is a squirrel's head? Her tail is long, wide, and curls up and rises high above her back. Vukha gostri with penzlik on the ends. And the paws are different: the back ones are long, and the front ones are short. We paint the white with fungus.

What kind of creatures still exist that stinks of color? For example, Mavpa. I really appreciate that the front paws reach behind the back paws. She uses her front paws to wiggle like her hands.

The turtle can be painted with ovals, similar to the cowboys. I have a ferocious respect for a turtle shell. There are divisions into checkers.

It’s really easy to learn how to draw a snake. The snake has a thinly drawn body, as if painted with squiggly lines. The snake’s head is even larger: it’s small and sounds like a small triquet.

What kind of creatures have a green color? A lizard looks like a snake with legs. She has a bowed head, a drawn-out narrow sheepskin coat and a long tail that rings until the end.

Let's try to draw a hamster. Its body is made up of two ovals.

Let's paint the goat. I have a lot of respect for the shape of his head. Don't forget to paint your beard. I have fierce respect for the goat’s legs. We paint the creature so that it is large and so that it can be recognized.

Girsky goat.
And this is the great horned heron. Such goats with glistening horns live high in the mountains. That's what the stinks are called - mountain herons.

Creatures that rely on humans to live are called domestic creatures. There's a cow ahead of them. The cow's head is small, but the coat is very large. It connects with a wide head and a great neck. The cow has horns.

A tse bik. This one is similar to a cow, except that the neck of this one is much shorter, the horns are spread out over a larger distance, the same type. The thigh itself is thicker, and the legs are as short as a cow’s.

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I admire what a pig's thick coat is. It is oval, the tail is sideways, the legs are small, and the head with the coat is folded into one whole, only the snout protrudes - the nose of the pig.

The head and the sheepskin sheep are similar to two ovals: small and large. The horns are twisted in a circle, and the legs are like stoppers.

We admire the world with respect. What figures can be painted? What color is it? What lines – straight and quill-like – should you draw on the outside?

Let's try to paint a horse. First, you need to cross the leaf, as shown in diagram No. 1, then, following diagram No. 2, cross all the folds of the horse’s coat, legs, ear, and tail. Scheme No. 3 has already completed the baby horse.

You can paint a horse that is coming.

You can draw a horse to run.

First of all, let’s think about how to place the little ones: vertically or horizontally. Using a thin line, you need to trace the skin of the dog’s coat. Then use three ovals to represent her body. The upper oval is the head, the lower oval is the coat itself and the middle (transverse) oval is the upper part of the paws. Next, you need to identify other parts of the dog’s body – the paws themselves and the tail. Wuha is painted with three-pieces. The lower part of the paws is rounded.

The gut is painted just like a dog - three ovals. The ears in it are also three-piece, but, as if they were like dogs, they are separated from each other.

You can paint the same kumedne koshenya that plays with balls.

Or maybe something like this, from a cartoon.

Option 1 - How to paint a wolf for children step by step


Mily viyuchy forever. Let's add some details.


And so, of course, for the base of the head and body, we paint two simple stakes, as shown below.


Let's step forward and go up to the muzzle and ear of our Vovk. Here you can give a lot of respect to the beautiful and fluffy neck of the wolf, so try to make the line of the neck fluffy and beautiful.


Now we are painting close your eyes our wolf. And after this, as you finish this task, proceed to the hair on the chests and paws. Then we paint the back of our animal, its hind legs and legs.


This is the final stage of our work. Let’s finish our work with a tail for good, here it’s a headache to remember that it’s thick and fluffy. You can erase the bets and enjoy the results.


The axle of the already used fork flaunts in front of you. It’s time to paint the creature’s rose painting. A lesson is being taught on how to paint a sheep as an ovine in stages, turning out to be brown and spluttering for you and your child. Good luck!

Option 3 - How to paint a panther in a haircut step by step


We will continue to teach you how to properly draw cats. Today, one of the most important representatives of the cat family is the panther. Try to imagine this cute little hut for our lesson.


Paint three stakes as the base of the head, the front and back of the sheepskin coat. Draw the long outlines of the front legs, as well as the lines of the hind legs. Then paint the tail line.


Start painting the details of the muzzle.


At the third stage especially respect add more food to add to our cruelty. Stop painting your back.


Paint the tight front paws. Paint the pads in detail.


The hind legs are visible. The hot pazuri is thoroughly added.


We've finished. I lost the ability to paint a part of my hind leg, tail and abraded spine.


Let's go! Now you can teach others how to make such a terrible and big little hut!

Option 4 - How to paint a simple giraffe step by step


Giraffe himself tall representative ssavtsiv. This peaceful creature lingers in the shrouds of Africa. Young artists can paint a giraffe for our lesson.


At the top of the sheet, paint small circles and give it a drawn out shape, as shown in the baby. This will be the face of a giraffe. Signify the horns and the sounds. Paint a larger circle lower and connect it with its muzzle with a long line. Paint your feet, naming the treasure and the place of death of the knees. Add a line for the tail


Now let's start working on the drawing in volume. Paint the head in greater detail, adding the eyes, as well as the shape of the slit. Pour in the volume, not forgetting that in the lower part it becomes thin. Finish the front tail, part of the quilt, and parts of the tail.


Now stop painting the pile. So since it smells straight, it will be even simpler.


It became impossible to throw splashes of different shapes and sizes over the giraffe’s body. Please view the comment lines afterwards.


This is the kind of giraffe we ​​have in Viishov. You can ferment the little ones.

Option 6 - How to draw a leopard that is walking, step by step



For the cob, harvest the baby heads and bodies.



Now sketch out the front and hind legs and draw the tip of the muzzle, as shown on the baby.


Create a baby with two other paws and a tail.


Paint the muzzle in detail and add color, folds on the crown and grooves.


The little one is ready. View additional lines.


Os is such a graceful representative of our family of kittens. Paint with your splashes, not forgetting the stink that comes from bottles of different shapes and sizes. Then fry the babies.

Option 7 - How to paint a light kangaroo for children step by step


Do you remember dear Krikhitka Ru from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh? Now try to paint the axis of such a kangaroo with us!


Paint two stakes and connect them, as shown in the baby.


Now draw the outlines of the ears (the stink of the guts is similar to that of rabbits). Wash the drawn muzzle.


Now paint on such sweet, kind eyes and outline the contours of your neck and nose.



Paint long hind legs. Paint the toes on the front paws.


Mayzhe is ready. I lost my tail and hind legs.


Your axis is such a smart little thing. We wish you creative success!

Option 9 - How to paint a grim tiger step by step


Do you want to paint this cutie? Let's get started.


We start by painting the first base stake for the baby's face, then we draw lines like on the baby.


Now let’s paint the shape of our tiger’s muzzle, try to repeat the way the little one is depicted. Cheeks, forehead and mother’s fault are rounded in shape.


Priming on the base lines, paint great eyes, which represent the arches in the form of a guilty figure. Treat the nose, mouth, chin, bristles and mouth of the tiger. Now you can paint two black shades on the tiger’s cheeks. The head of the beast is completed.


Painting the coat of our tiger. We can see the hind and front legs, sincerely, the tiger is in a sitting position, so repeat the picture below.


Let's move on to the final stage, painting the tail, paw pads and the pink ear. Now the most important part of us is painting the dark tiger. When making cakes, simply rub them with a sponge and grind them down, leaving the scraps daubed below.


Let's go! You have learned how to paint a wonderful tiger and now you know how to paint a tiger step by step with a sheep. We wish you creative success!

Option 10 - How to paint a simple elephant step by step


Let's paint a cheerful elephant.


Let's start with the basic lines of our little one. We paint two large stakes for the mayday coat and one smaller one for the mayday head. Then we work two lines for the legs and trunk.


We begin to paint the shape of the head, mouth and trunk of the elephant, spiraling onto the base of the first crocus. After this we paint one front paw.


Let's finish the elephant's head with the creature's great whoop, eye and tusk. Draw the elephant's wrinkles as shown on the baby. Give your friend a paw on his front paw.


Now it’s time to finish the elephant’s body. Paint the back, the back of the coat and the hind legs. Now we just add wrinkles to the knees and homemade nails.


Well, that’s all, now we’ve completed the tail and erased the base lines and the final stages.


Let's go! Following our step-by-step lesson, now you can easily paint an elephant on your own without any fuss. We wish you creative success!

Option 12 - How to paint a tiger for children step by step


Another cute tiger, more similar to a cat.


First we paint two figures, first a round figure for the head, and the other an egg-shaped figure for the animal’s coat. Then we draw out the shape of the head as shown on the baby.


Now you can continue painting the head and adding the ear and fluffy cheeks of the tiger.


At this stage we need to draw out the shape of the vechka and stuff them. Next we paint the creature’s nose, mouth and lips.


Now you can draw more clear lines and paint the chest, torso and neck of our tiger.


The tiger's coat is painted, the hind and front legs are painted, as well as the tail.


Now we need to paint some dark brown on our tiger’s paws, like a smaller one.


We move on to adding weight to the tiger’s muzzle and even thicker lines of malted and creamy dark brown. Our tiger is complete, now we can erase all unnecessary lines and cuts.


Let's go! Just marvel at what a bright tiger we have in Viyshov. Now you have completed our lesson and you know how to paint a tiger step by step.

Option 13 - How to paint an easy car for children step by step


Since they haven’t shown children’s Radian cartoons about a little girl yet, it’s time to start working. And then try to draw at once the restless, but very cute Mavpu. Our lesson will help you in some way.


At the first stage, as before, start with the contours of the body.



Paint over the details of the muzzle and add some fluff.


Starting from the back, paint the contours of the body and add the lines of the future paws.


Now paint the front paws, adding the contours of the toes.


We are also timid with our hind legs.


Paint the tail and mark the lines.


We've got such a funny little axis. You can rozfarbovat!

Option 15 - How to paint a witch step by step


Let's paint the ugly witch.


For the cob, trace the base lines, which are marked by our cliche-footed bear. Work out the front legs in the shape of arches, and then the coat and hind legs. Once the coat and paws are ready, start painting the head. Produce it as shown for the baby.


Now it’s necessary to give the witch a shaggy look. To begin with, apply strokes along the base lines that resemble fur, like on our baby. To work with the shaggy vukha and the back of the witch. Let’s remember that this is not a long time ago, otherwise the veterinarian will not be similar to today.


We begin to paint the witch's denunciation. For this purpose, the sheep should develop their small eyes and carefully reinforce them with the help of painting on the outside, as in the picture. When your eyes are ready, paint your mouth and nose.


Not much was lost at all. Using the base lines, create a texture on the outside and paint the bear’s paws with grooves.


Now we don’t have to repeat stage 4, only this time you need to create a structure on the outside for the paws and the sheepskin.


Well, that’s all, your little one is ready. There is only so much that has been lost, but it can be lost in such a way as it is. Now you know how to paint a bear with an olive, step by step, but it wasn’t at all difficult.

Option 16 - How to paint a light fox step by step


In this lesson there is a cute little fox.


We start with the basic lines, for which we draw a large one for the head and two smaller ones for the animal’s body, connecting them as shown in the image below. After this we draw the base lines for the new legs and tail. There are several ovals painted on the paws. All this will serve as the basis for our little one.


Let's start with the outline of our fox. We paint the muzzle, coat, eyes, ears, paws and tail along the basic lines. Varto show respect for how everything is meant for our little one, and try to paint the little fox in a similar manner.


Let’s not forget that the fox is a fluffy creature, so we add more from the outside. Try it again and repeat it as shown below. Then we paint the eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows and ears of our fox. Once the muzzle is completed, paint the claws on the paws.


Let's go! Something like this little one is bound to come to you if you complete it. Now you know how you can paint a beautiful fox step by step and you can earn it on your own, to keep us busy. The time has come to ferment our beast from the juice and the bright color.

Option 18 - How to paint the king of beasts Lev step by step


It's no secret that the lion is the king of beasts. This creature is not only one of the most beautiful representatives of the cat family, but the largest. Children and early artists would singly want to know, how to paint the left step by step Olive for help. We have prepared this lesson for them and out of satisfaction we will show you how to learn to draw a left hand.


In order to paint the left, for the beginning of the trace, draw the base lines for the head, the coat and the bottom to make the painting easier. Paint one small circle, and a larger one and join it in the area shown as a small one. Then create a base for the toulub, legs and tail. When everything is ready, move on to the next step.


Just a little bit of denunciation of our lion. Please note that the contours of the face are clearly visible along the lines of the mouth and cheeks, which are emphasized, revealing the plumpness. Then we apply the lines of the back and back parts, as shown in the picture.


At this stage, you face the most advanced task, without painting the mane of the lion like a baby. Regain respect, as the mane smoothly fits the coat, revealing it hangs down to the knees. Once the mane is ready, start painting the ear that looks from behind the mane, as well as the eyes. Let's move on to the offensive stage.


Here you need to emphasize the elements of exposure, but for what purpose there is little taste. Then detail the ears, eyes and cheeks. Once the muzzle is ready, start drawing the front legs and paws, and so on.


Now paint the hind legs of our lion with an olive. Marvel at our picture and be amazed at how the paws are broken and the left jaw is strengthened. Once the legs are ready, trim the tail from the fluffy ends.


Malyuvannya begins to affect children from the very early century. The problem with early artists can only be the inconsistency of the pictures on the paper with what they wanted to depict. Let the dads show you how you can paint various creatures step by step.

A headache for the Ebony artists - the stench in the first place paints around the selected part of the main subject of their painting. Little ones, most of them toddlers, are depictions of creatures.

I feel like almost all the little ones are starting to create their own beast from their heads. An oval is drawn, which is overgrown with ears, eyes, whiskers, horns - depending on the fact that the creature itself wants to paint a little one.

But why does the little one feel stupor: what else is there to do? How can everything be adjusted to this miracle head? Most often, the baby does not see anything better than acquiring a bunch of sausages - no legs, no tail.

In order to learn how to paint correctly, it is necessary to explain to you what it is step by step painting This is how the baby's scheme appears. Well, since you yourself are not a very impressive artist, then you are given a unique opportunity to learn this mysticism together with your children.

These are the articles you know about

Why start

How to depict the creatures, croft by croft, so that the stench is easily recognized, can be explained to both a territorial child and a schoolboy. Initially, the kindergarten scheme will be developed according to the instructions of the child of 12 years, and so on baked rice chill out.

  • In order to teach a child to gradually depict animals, it is necessary to explain what parts (colas, ovals, rectums) are formed from each other creature.
  • Show how to work on drawings and how to quickly add details.
  • Begin the beginnings of creators with awkward plots. We begin as the process progresses, so don’t worry that the little one will get it right in no time. Step by step, the baby begins to gradually open larger folding objects.

Before starting the process, stock up on paper, gum and sheep: I’ll draw some for the creation and paint them in colors for filling.

Images for babies

You can show your little ones how to gradually paint these animals that you already know. The simplest painting technique is cola. The truth is that it is necessary for your child to master these simple principles.

A simple algorithm for drawing the main figures: you need to take the child’s hand in yours and put an olive on it. Once the little one has mastered the chair stake, show you how you can paint funny little animals behind this figure:

In this way, you can learn to portray not only funny little cats and dogs, but also to bring to mind your favorite cartoon characters (for example, Smeshariki).

Painting for children 4-7 years old

Such boys will sit on chairs in various geometric figures, like little ones with natural motifs can already be recognized. Nina is a fidget who can be humbled as if she was petting little creatures.

The scheme is not particularly complicated: it’s important to paint a kilka kil (head and coat), which will serve as the basis; Then we schematically depict the paws (legs), then we add details and erase the additional lines with a rubber pad.

You should read the early artists that the first stage of work is the design of the composition: the main object is decomposed, some objects will be in the foreground, and some will be in the background.

As you know, the little creatures are still simple, not burdened with details. All these nuances will need to be explained to the officials of the sheep and paper when they grow up.

Painting with children of middle school age

Starting from 8-10 years old, boys and girls have a lot of fun portraying both domestic and wild creatures. From whom you can teach children to give realism to animals.

The bunny for a kindergarten child is cartoonishly round and has a very large shape. For older children, we gradually baby the little ones in a different way: this one has long paws with grooves, the proportions of the body resemble real ones, the skin is not monochromatic, but with a coat of markings.

In a similar way, other animals are depicted: from the beginning - baby ones, then the main points will be supplemented. After this we erase the lines of the outline and detail the little ones.

The remaining stroke is giving the baby volume with additional shading (as the baby forgive the olive, like a horse) or the preparation of the beast is consistent with its real fertilization (lion).

Obov'yazkovo varto read the child to practice iz simple olive. If some lines did not come out completely successfully, they can simply be erased. Having mastered the simple painting technique, the cob artist can move on to more complex painting methods.

Try to draw a dog step by step for this lesson. You can draw a dog and follow the additional video made on the topic of this lesson about a little dog. The video on how to paint a dog is at the end of this lesson.

Baby cows step by step sheep
The baby cows will be removed step by step by the sheep. If you decide to paint the cow correctly, you can prepare the little ones with farbs or sheep.

If you wanted to paint your gut with colorful sheep or prepare it with farbs, you can use this little one that I drew on a graphics tablet.

All children love to draw pictures of their pets, and they especially want to draw pictures of their beloved and intelligent dog. Try to paint the first St. Bernard step by step, and create the next baby from your breeding.

As soon as I read the tiny fragments of this little home nurse, who has done everything, I will have small children with me, and I learned this lesson in a simpler way. I hope you will be able to paint a hamster with me step by step for the first time without any mercy.

This marvelous, miniature horse always attracts the respect of children, who cry out for the mass of the buried and the beautiful booth to paint this little horse, with such a small name - pony.

The donkey from the cartoon is a little different, but not like my little one. If you like the cartoon character Donkey, then you can use this lesson to paint him. It is enough just to change the “exposure”, to gain a little bit of expressiveness and emotion.

In order to learn how to carve a tiny horse, you will have to carve more than one baby, so it is very important to convey the grace of the creatures to this creature, especially to the artist-cob. If you paint a horse step by step, then you can paint it correctly for children.

Try to paint the tsutsen step by step. This method allows you to paint the tsutsen correctly to the child.

To paint a horse, step by step, you need evidence of a burning eye. If you need to create a little of this creature, this lesson will help you learn how to paint a horse's head.

In this lesson we are going to paint another domestic animal - a rabbit. Little pictures, how fun it is for rabbits to shave, only at first glance seem to be forgivable for painting. Every little creature needs to accurately display its proportions and convey its character.

Kits from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite cat often become characters in children's little ones. Besides, such little ones, daubed with olive and farbs, can be a wonderful addition to a child’s room. If you want to paint the cat correctly, let’s get a little done. So that we are in the right mood, we paint it with a smile.

When painting a cat, you need to capture the hidden contours of the creature, and paint the details from memory. The little cat for children looks like a simple olive, it needs to be fucked up, it needs to be fermented. Even kittens come in all sorts of different colors, and children love bright pictures.

A camel has a unique head - one or two humps, depending on what baby boy You cannot confuse a camel with a baby of other creatures. It’s still better to paint a camel so that it doesn’t look too much like a realistic camel.

For a cartoonist, it is very important to take into account small facial expressions. But your knowledge will not be the same, since you will not be able to paint the majestic light of creatures on everything in the world - fish, birds, domestic animals, wild creatures - every creature with its own unique characteristics. Tom in this lesson We will read the tiny cartoon creatures.

1. Creation of the base

The caricature is even more colorful. Children are simply captivated while looking at the folding parts human forms have a simple and rich interpretation. Considering the great facial expressions of our characters, we not only respect them, but also how they deal with the troubles of life. For a child, the world of cartoons would not be complete without creatures. Before A cartoonist who does not care enough to paint various creatures on paper is not an artist. Today we are going to change it. We will be small creatures, vikorists in the main circle.

We grow our eyes optimally for our first baby and will use them for all our creatures.

You can also admire the lesson “How to correctly draw characters from cartoons” and the lesson “Creating the emotions of cartoon characters.”

You will learn the key elements of painting animals, and also remove the sprout brown trees by modifying the original design to a new one.

Now we have a template, let's move on to painting the first creature.

2. Drawing a cartoon cat

The cat’s face is easy to paint, it’s well rounded and repeats the shape of our template.

Cool, what's wrong? Now let's paint the cat under the different coats:

Rules for painting a cat:

  • Great and sharpened flavor - lightly strengthened one way;
  • Creepy nose - may even be glued to the surface;
  • Great hairs (tactile hairs).

Let's wonder what it takes to kill a cat with a gut?

Only a few of them changed their eyebrows and painted them. That's all! Now we have a gut!

3. Drawing a cartoon pig

Let's talk a little about Mordi:

The secret to painting a pig is painting its face. The muzzle is responsible for the mother’s rounded shape, choosing to go to “ni”. The ears are slightly straightened forward, the nose meets directly behind the head:

The technique of finishing is simple. Insure this particularity and you will be successful.

How can you make an elephant from a pig? Great! Small changes can allow life to change for the better!

4. Drawing a cartoon horse

For all creatures, the same template is used.

Let's paint the horse. Please note that the horse’s skull is thinner, the muzzle is pulled forward, the slit is round with great teeth.

Let's finish:

Turn back the respect that the mane is going down your neck.

Horses have wide and strong necks, their nostrils protrude, and their ears are of extraordinary size, equal to the size of their heads.

5. Relationships between creatures

The cats were painted on us, and no less important creature was lost.

Let's take a look at the main differences between a dog and a cat:

  • There is more weight that hangs forward from the crack;
  • Wooha closer friend to a friend;
  • Thick eyebrows;
  • Mensch is roundly exposed;

A dog's ears may vary depending on the breed: the ears may fall onto the face or be straight up.

Painting different breeds of dogs can take all day. In addition to cats, dog breeds are already divided into one type.

Birds also differ between their species:

The head of the chicken is round, the eagle and the parrot have a flat head.

Well, now the time has come for you to try it. Try to paint things that have been painted on, as many times as necessary, until you can do it easily and simply. After which you can paint other creatures. Don’t forget to take into account the peculiarities of the skin creatures and try to create them on paper:

6. Light, camera... motor!

The bodies of the creatures are even like little beasts. It is not necessary to know the anatomy of the creature in order to draw them from Russia. You just need to see the main directions and understand how the body works in Russia.

Start to get a feel for the shape of the creature you paint or redesign, which forms the most important structures of the body, such as the neck, stitch, tail and end, that’s right.

The dimensions of the ends of kittens vary depending on the creature.

Show respect that the levi and tigers are strong. At the lower right corner we have the butt of the head of a cartoon left.

As soon as you understand how creatures collapse, you can play with them! In a cartoon style, you can combine the body of a creature with a human one. This is very good technology. Try standing the four-legged one on two legs.

Restore respect to how it changes in position due to the anatomical nature of life: everything is grounded on rounded shapes.

7. Savory creatures in Russia

Let's take a look at the anatomy of a horse and check out the main functions:

The horse's front legs are a little different from other creatures: their legs look like human legs (with knees), while the dogs' guts smell like their elbows (curved at the hip).

All smoked foods follow the same pattern, regardless of size or shape:

Don't get me wrong, really:

In truth, anatomy is not so complicated anymore.

So many creatures in a short hour!

Now you have the knowledge of the necessary painting of all creatures! Of course, the jokes don’t stop there. Be careful how creatures behave in real life. Watch the Discovery Channel, watch your own video and become familiar with the smart little creatures.

The creatures seem to place a trace before them with respect, love and turbochargedness. Either in cartoons or in real life. Remember that creatures are part of this family.

Translation by Duty Officer.