Heroes of “War the World” – a short description of the characters.


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Golovna Andriy Bolkonsky. One of the main characters in the novel is Andriy Bolkonsky.

The prince of great honor, who dreams of military glory.

For Andriy, the most important thing in life is his obligations to the Fatherland. The mature prince fell in love with the young Countess Natasha Rostova. He had a lot of emotional experiences, and there was joy at Natasha’s side.

But when a lot of hours had passed, their fate brought them together again with Natalka, and yet again their life seemed unfair.

The hero's life ends tragically, he dies from a head wound recovered from the battle.

Natalya Rostova.

A young heroine, rich in wealth, who loves her father.

The girl is already alive, cheerful, and sincere.

There it is illuminated.

Bula was married to Andriy Bolkonsky.

All life had prepared for them to try.

Anatoly Kuragin.

And Elen's brother.


Zovni is as charming as his sister.

  • Looking for a better way to live on your own satisfaction.

    Being friends, they wanted to steal Natasha and marry her.

  • Create popular things

  • Language - know the key to everyone - tvir

    The world has a great number of languages.

And my skin is special and unique in its own way. A skin language, no matter how important or light, it is even more important in the life of a skin person The long summer has come. My classmates went everywhere: to the sea, at the village to the grandmother, at the camp for retiring. And I don’t even know why I spent the summer holidays.
The history of the creation of Griboedov's grief from the mind

Oleksandr Sergeyovich Griboedov created the comedy song “Filthy from the Mind”, which as a result became a classic of literature in the early 19th century. Having started writing this book, he was still in service in 1821 Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy, with his pure Russian pen, gave life to a whole world of characters in the novel “War and Peace.” His visions of the heroes, which are intertwined with the noble canopies and family ties between families, reveal to the daily reader the reflection of these people who lived in the hours described by the author. One

the greatest books

world significance of “War and Peace” with the success of a professional historian, and at the same time, as if in a mirror, it presents to the whole world the Russian spirit, those characters of secular matrimony, those historical views, which were always present at the end of the 18th century

There is nothing we can do to guide people as long as they are afraid of death.

And whoever is afraid of it will have to pay everything.

Until now, I have been, by God, a friend of my children and I rejoice in their renewed trust,” said the countess, repeating the mantra of the rich fathers who respect that their children have no secrets in them.

Everything, from silverware to silverware, faience and crystal, has little of that special touch of novelty that happens in the reign of a young friend.

If everyone had fought only for their own ends, there would have been no war.

Being an enthusiast became her habit, and sometimes, if she didn’t want to, so as not to fool the people who knew her, she worked as an enthusiast.

To love everyone, to always sacrifice oneself for love, meant not to love anyone, meant not to live this earthly life.

Never, never make friends, my friend;

It’s my pleasure: don’t make friends until you don’t tell yourself that you’ve earned everything you’ve ever had, and until you won’t stop loving the woman you chose, you won’t help her, it’s clear;

Because you will show cruelty and wrong.

Make friends with the old ones, nowhere to be found. Central points of the novel “War and Peace” Rostov – Counts and Countesses Rostov Illya Andriyovich Count, father of four children: Natasha, Viri, Mikoli and Petit.

A very kind and generous person, who loved life so much.

His over-the-top generosity in the result led him to squandering money. Loving man This manner, perhaps, cries out from the weakened and weak physical condition of many children.

Even though she loved her family and children, the news about the death of Petya’s young son didn’t make her any sense.

Like Illya Andriyovich, Countess Rostova was already fond of luxury and punishments of any kind.

Leo Tolstoy and the heroes of the novel “War and Peace” from Countess Rostova helped reveal the prototype of the author’s grandmother – Tolstoy Pelageya Mikolaivna. Rostov Mikola Syn of Count Rostov Illy Andriyovich. A loving brother and son who cares for his family, at the same time he loves to serve in the Russian army, which for his worth is significant and important. Among his fellow soldiers, he often told his friend about his homeland.

I want and I want

long time ago

Daughter of the Count and Countess of Rostov.

That emotional girl is very energetic, as she was in love with non-garden, but lively and exciting, she is not very reasonable, but intuitive, because she miraculously “guessed people”, their moods and the actions of their characters.

I even resorted to gentry and self-sacrifice.

She sings and dances very beautifully, which at that time was an important thing for a girl in a secular marriage.

Natasha’s extreme rage, like Leo Tolstoy, like his heroes, is repeatedly heard in the novel “War and Peace” - this is the closeness to the ordinary Russian people.

She herself has completely absorbed the Russianness of culture and the strength of the spirit of the nation.

Tim is no less, this girl is alive with her illusion of goodness, happiness and love, which, at any hour, will bring Natasha into reality.

These same blows and heartfelt experiences will spoil Natasha Rostova as an adult and give her mature love to Pierre Bezukhov.

The miniature glorious girl Sonya was Count Rostov’s dear niece and lived her entire life under his father.

She was waiting for love until Mikoli Rostov became fatal for her, because she never got around to meeting him at his lover’s.

Before that, the old lady Natalya Rostova was very much against her lover, even though they were cousins.

Sonya arrives nobly, encouraging Dolokhova and willing to love only Mikola for the rest of her life, at which time he decides to make friends with her.

She lived her entire life under the old countess under the tutelage of Mikoli Rostov. The prototype of this seemingly insignificant character was Lev Mikolayovich's third aunt, Tetyana Oleksandrivna Yergolska. Bolkonsky - princes and princesses

Bolkonsky Mykola Andriyovych

The father of the main character, Prince Andriy Bolkonsky.

In the past, a dignified general-in-chief, now a prince, who has earned himself the title of “Prussian king” from the Russian secular consulate.

Socially active, savvy like a father, cruel, pedantic, aka wise ruler in his own right.

The daughter of Prince Mikoli is the sister of Andriy Bolkonsky.

A very good girl, not a bad girl, but a good soul and a very rich girl, as she was named.

Its godliness and dedication to religion are rich in goodness and goodness.

Unforgettably love her father, who often suffered from his gnaws, tortures and injections.

And also to love your brother, Prince Andriy.

She immediately did not accept Natasha Rostova as her future daughter-in-law, because she seemed too unimportant to her brother Andriy.
After all the troubles he has experienced, he will marry Mikola Rostov.

The prototype of Maria is the mother of Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy - Maria Mykolayivna Volkonskaya. Bezukhov - Counts and Countesses Bezukhiv P'ier (Petro Kirilovich) One of the main characters, who deserves great respect and positive assessment..

This character has experienced a lot of emotional trauma and pain, giving in his own way a kind and noble gift.

Tolstoy and the heroes of the novel “War and Peace” often describe their love and acceptance of Pierre Bezukhov as people of very high endowment, a complacent and philosophical mind. Lev Mikolayovich loves his hero, Pierre, even more. As a friend of Andriy Bolkonsky, the young Count Pierre Bezukhov is very knowledgeable and sensitive.

At the "viini" character "an urgent man on the head heroes - the author of the author at the plot at the plot rospovіdui chotirokh Tom, the other -row - heroes, yaki Z'yalil at the novel Epіzodichno.

Among the main characters in the novel you can see the central heroes - Andriy Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova and P'era Bezukhov, about whom the novel burns.

Characteristics of the main characters in the novel Andriy Bolkonsky

- “a very beautiful young woman with singing and dry rice”, “small growth.”

The author knows about Bolkonsky from the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at Annie Scherer’s party (and many of the main characters in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” were also present). Behind the plot of the story, Andriy came up with a greater marriage, having died for glory, no less for the glory of Napoleon, he was going to war. In an episode that turned Bolkonsky's view upside down, the siege from Bonaparte - injuries on the field of Austerlitz Andriy realized how insignificant Bonaparte really is and all his glory. Another turning point in Bolkonsky’s life is his love affair with Natasha Rostova.

It seemed to help the hero to turn to a full life, to believe that after the death of his friend and everything he had suffered, he could live a full life.- “a massive, fat young man with a shorn head, wearing eyepieces.”

“I paid a little more for other people in the room,” this one has a “reasonable and at the same time fearful, cautious and natural look, which raised the ears of this vitality.”

P'ier is a hero who constantly searches for himself through knowledge of the world. The skin situation in his life, the stage of his life became a special life lesson for the hero. Friendship with Helen, buried in Freemasonry, love for Natasha Rostova, presence on the field of the Borodino battle (what a hero is in Pierre’s own eyes), the French is full and familiarity with the Karataevs will change the peculiarity of Pierre - from the heartless lout “virtuousness” є" goals of straightening and chanting with imperious glances and goals.

Other important characters The "viinі Tu is Tolstoy" Sterlka Kilka Blocke Kezin - Sim'i Rostovikh, Bolkonskiy, Kuragychi, I have to go to the colon in the collocuan of one. Rostov and Bolkonski yak
positive heroes , bearing a truly Russian mentality, ideas and spirituality, are opposed to the negative characters of Kuragin, who had little interest in the spiritual aspect of life, willful in marriage, weaving intrigues and choosing people they know status and wealth. A short description of the heroes of “War on the World” will help you understand the essence of the skin’s main character. Graph Illya Andriyovich Rostov - A kind and generous man, for whom the most important people in his life were family. The Count deeply loved his squad and four children (Natasha, Vira, Mikola and Petya), helping the squad with the fostered children and with all his might he contributed to the warmth of the atmosphere in the Rostov hut.

Illya Andriyovich cannot live without luxury, it was fitting for him to indulge in feasts and dinners, but his waste of money and the indiscretion of the government's rights led to a critical financial situation in the Rostovs.- “A short, curly-haired lad with a blatant expression.” This is a simple-minded, open-minded, honest and kind-hearted young man, Natasha’s brother, Rostov’s eldest son. At the beginning of the novel, Mikola appears as a buried young man who wanted military glory and recognition, after first participating in the Battle of Shengrabe, and then in the Battle of Austerlitz.

Vitchin War Illusions develop and the hero understands how stupid and the very idea of ​​war is wrong.

Mikola is especially happy to know his love with Maria Bolkonskaya, who felt close to the spirit of a person even after their first partner. Sonya Rostova

- “Tonenka, Minaturnenka Brunette Zyakim, Vidniyna with a look, dense Chorno Khorni, ShO DVICHI wrapped her head, I Zhovtuvatim Shkiri on the Olycchi”, the tribal of Count Rostov. Behind the plot of the novel is a quiet, respectable, kind girl who is capable of love and capable of self-sacrifice.

Sonya encourages Dolokhova, because she wants to be faithful to Mikola, whom she loves deeply.- Yaskrava, a brilliantly beautiful woman with a “smile that never changes” and extra-white shoulders, as befitted a human husband, the first squad of Pierre.

Ellen did not show any special intelligence, because of her charm, she was constantly grooming herself in marriage and nurturing the necessary connections, she ruled the rich salon at St. Petersburg, she was especially familiar with Napoleon. The woman died of a severe sore throat (although there were rumors in the marriage that Helen laid hands on herself).

Anatoly Kuragin- Brother Helen, as handsome and distinguished in the royal family as his sister.

Anatole is alive the way he wanted, giving away all moral principles and falling down, ruling the pyatiks and beshketniks.

Kuragin wants to steal Natasha Rostova and become friends with her, wanting to become friends. Fedir Dolokhov- “a person of middle age, curly hair and light eyes,” an officer of the Semenivsky regiment, one of the leaders of the partisan movement.

In Fyodor’s peculiarity, hisism, cynicism and adventurism with the cleverness of loving his loved ones and fantasizing about them were a marvelous expression.

(Mikola Rostov is already amazed that at home, with his mother and sister, Dolokhov is completely different - a loving and gentle son and brother). Visnovok Navit

short description heroes of Tolstoy’s “War to Peace” allows us to develop close and inseparable relationships between the characters. Like all the stories in the novel, the friendship and farewell of personalities are carried out according to the irrational, mind-defying law of historical reciprocity.

The "viinі Tu is Tolstoy" Sterlka Kilka Blocke Kezin - Sim'i Rostovikh, Bolkonskiy, Kuragychi, I have to go to the colon in the collocuan of one.

This is a count who had four children: Petrik, Mikola, Vira and Natasha.

Illya Andriyovich is a very generous and kind-hearted person who loved life.

As a result, his exorbitant generosity led to squandering. Loving man Rostov is a loving father and man.

Illya Andriyovich cannot live without luxury, it was fitting for him to indulge in feasts and dinners, but his waste of money and the indiscretion of the government's rights led to a critical financial situation in the Rostovs.

He is a good organizer of receptions and balls.

The author knows about Bolkonsky from the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at Annie Scherer’s party (and many of the main characters in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” were also present).

Tse daughter of Rostov.

That energetic girl was so emotional, she loved the non-garden, the protivlivaya and the living.

Natalya is not very reasonable, but at the same time intuitive, so she could “guess people” well, depending on their character and mood.

This heroine is very quick, capable of self-sacrifice.

She dances and sings gracefully, which at that time was an important characteristic of a girl waiting until her secular marriage.

These same blows and heartfelt experiences will spoil Natasha Rostova as an adult and give her mature love to Pierre Bezukhov.

Leo Tolstoy repeatedly reinforces Natasha’s main bitterness – closeness to the Russian people.

The prototype of this heroine is Tetyana Oleksandrivna Yergolskaya, the writer’s third aunt.

Not only Rostov's heroes are the main characters.

Mikola is especially happy to know his love with Maria Bolkonskaya, who felt close to the spirit of a person even after their first partner.

“War and Peace” is a novel in which the Bolkonsky family also plays a great role.

Characteristics of the main characters in the novel

This is Andriy Bolkonsky's father, general-in-chief in the past, and today - a prince who has earned the title of "Prussian king" in the Russian secular partnership.

- “Tonenka, Minaturnenka Brunette Zyakim, Vidniyna with a look, dense Chorno Khorni, ShO DVICHI wrapped her head, I Zhovtuvatim Shkiri on the Olycchi”, the tribal of Count Rostov.

He is socially active, savvy like a father, pedantic, and a wise master.

Zovni is a thin old man with thick eyebrows that hang over intelligent and penetrating eyes, and a powdered white feather.

Mikola Andriyovich does not like to reveal his feelings to his beloved daughter and son.

The main characters in the novel “War and Peace” would have been reinvented in full detail, otherwise P'er Bezukhov would have been forgotten.

This hero plays one of the most important roles in creation. Having experienced a lot of pain and mental trauma, he expects the nobility and good returns. Lev Mikolayovich himself loves Pierre so much.

Bezukhov, as a friend of Andriy Bolkonsky, is very sensitive and knowledgeable. Unconcerned with the intrigues that weave under one’s nose, Pierre did not lose trust in people, without becoming embittered. Having become friends with Natalka, you will find happiness and grace that you have never experienced with your first team, Elen.

Finally, in the process of changing Russia’s political foundations, one can guess from afar the Decembrist mood of Pierre.

Unconcerned with the intrigues that weave under one’s nose, Pierre did not lose trust in people, without becoming embittered. These are the main characters.

"War and Peace" is a novel in which a great role is played by such historical figures as Kutuzov and Napoleon, as well as other commander-in-chiefs.

Presented and other

The author knows about Bolkonsky from the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at Annie Scherer’s party (and many of the main characters in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” were also present). social groups Crimea of ​​the nobility (merchants, townspeople, villagers, army). The list of characters ("War and Peace") is very significant. However, our task is to be seen only by the main characters. Everyone has read or heard about the novel War and Peace, but not everyone can guess the characters in the novel the first time.

The main characters of the novel War and Peace- to love, to suffer, to live life in the presence of a skin reader.

Main heroes of War and Peace

Natalya Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov, Andriy Bolkonsky.

It’s hard to say, what a smut, because Tolstoy’s characters are described as if in parallel. The main characters are different, the looks of life are different, the carnage is different, and there is disaster, war.

The main way of life of the heroine lies in activities around the government, daily trips, visiting forts, receiving travelers and going to places on the right.

How many blue ones are supposed to serve in the army?

You can share your anxiety for them with outsiders. A. speaks like a Russian, loudly, she has a “thick voice”, a huge body, she holds “her pentadecimal head with gray curls” high. A. is close to the Rostov family, she loves Natasha the most. On the name day of Natasha and the old countess, she herself dances with Count Rostov, consuming all the wealth that has accumulated. Vaughn kindly reprimands P'ier for his outburst, through which wine in 1805 r. exiled from St. Petersburg; she gives a confession to the old Prince Bolkonsky for the inconsiderateness that Natalka punished on the hour of her visit;

She'll see Natasha's plan to go with Anatoly to shame. Bagration

P. is the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, known to Katerina’s nobleman, who has become a descendant of the title and great figure, “a massive, plump young man with a shorn head, in eyepieces,” whom he mocks as sensible, fearful, “cautious and P.'s dear look cordon.

and having appeared in Russia shortly before the death of my father and the beginning of the campaign of 1805. He is reasonable, philosophically inclined, gentle and kind-hearted, sensitive to others, kind, impractical and partial. His closest friend, Andriy Bolkonsky, characterizes P. as the only “living person” in the middle of this world. To start the novel, P. pays tribute to Napoleon

the greatest human in the world, but gradually become disillusioned, reaching the point of hatred, until a new goal is driven in. Having become a rich citizen and having lost Prince Vasily and Helen during the influx, P. becomes friends with the rest.

Zustrich from Platon Karataev reveals for P. the truth of the need to love life, to honor the innocent suffering, and to appreciate the skin of a person in order to be part of the whole world.

After chatting with Karataev, P. learned to say “everyone is always the same.” After the end of the war, after the death of Andriy Bolkonsky and Natasha’s birth to life, P. becomes friends with her.

In the epilosis, a happy man and father, a man, determines from the superstar with Mikola Rostov that they are allowed to study with the new future Decembrist.

Berg- German, “a fresh-faced, erysipelas guards officer, unconsciously demeaning, shaved and combed.”

The image of L. was created by Tolstoy in the first edition and was lost without change.

The squad of the writer's second cousin, Princess L.I., served as the prototype of the little princess. Volkonskaya, born Truzson, deyaki risa yako bul vikoristani Tolstoy.

Socially active, savvy like a father, cruel, pedantic, aka wise ruler in his own right. The “little princess” was vindicated by the love of the world through her constant zest and the loveliness of a society woman, who did not envision her life in light.

In mutual relations with a person, his aspirations and character become increasingly unreasonable.

The father of the main character, Prince Andriy Bolkonsky. - one of the main characters in the novel, the prince, son of N. A. Bolkonsky, brother of Princess Maria.

“...Small growth, even more garniy yunak with singing and dry rice.”

She is a sensible, proud, human being who looks for the great intellectual and spiritual places in life.

St. Petersburg meets B.'s friend with Natalka, and a deep hope for happiness arises in the hero's soul.

Sonya arrives nobly, encouraging Dolokhova and willing to love only Mikola for the rest of her life, at which time he decides to make friends with her. Having had fun on the river under the influx of the father, who was not in agreement with the decisions of his son, B. went beyond the cordon.

After the name has been given, in order to forget about it, to calm down and feel that they have attacked the new one, he again turns to the army under the ear of Kutuzov. Taking part in the Great Patriotic War, B. wants to be at the front, and not at the headquarters, gets closer to the soldiers and feels the power of the “spirit of the military”, which fights for the liberation of its fatherland. Before participating in the remaining battle of Borodino in his life, the hero meets and talks with Pierre.

Having recovered from a mortal wound, B., through a sudden change of circumstances, loses Moscow in the Rostov convoy, on the way they reconcile with Natalka, forgive and understand before death the true sense of the power of love that unites people.- the son of Prince Andrey and the “little princess”, who was born on the day of his mother’s death and the turned father, who was respected by the dead.

I was married first in my grandfather’s house, then with Princess Marya. Zovna is very similar to her deceased mother: her lip is twitched and her hair is dark. N. growth is reasonable, let's play with the nervous lad. In the epilogue of the novel, which is 15 years old, there is a meeting between the super-chicks Mikoly Rostov and P'er Bezukhov.

Under these enemies N. dream of how Tolstoy will complete the novel and whose hero will gain glory for himself, the late uncle Pierre on the side of the great “right-wing” military.

Denisov Vasil Dmitrovich - combat hussar officer, gravets, gambling, galasliviy ", roubly crazy things.

At 1805 r. for military service, he was expelled from St. Petersburg, promoted to the rank and file, and during the military campaign, he reverted to his officer rank.

D. intelligent, good-natured, cold-blooded, wicked to death.

Vin resolutely greets. from outsiders his gentle kindness to his mother, confessing to Rostov that everyone respects him as an evil man, but in reality he doesn’t want to know anyone except those whom he loves. By dividing all people into those who are worthless and unloved, we must focus on the unloved, the unloved, who are ready to be “handed over when they get old.”

D. boastful, cruel and approachable.

Being a Kohan of Elen, Vin provokes P'ier to a duel;- A soldier of the Absheronsky regiment, who met P'ier Bezukhov in full.

Nicknames in the service Sokolik.

The first edition of the novel has this character.

Its appearance is probably due to the development of the residual forms of Pierre’s image and philosophical concept of the novel. At the first meeting with a small, affectionate and good-natured person, P'era is impressed by someone round and calm, who walks like K. Vin attracts everyone to himself with his calmness, sweetness, kindness and The hatred of his round appearance.

Once K. tells the story of an innocently condemned merchant, who has repented and suffers “for his own and for human sins.”

This confession addresses the hostility of the middle class as if it were even more important. Weakened by fever, Do. begins to stand up at crossings;

Prince V. stands before everyone in a compassionate intercession, speaks quietly, always bending over the hand of his companion.

He appears “in a courtly, embroidered uniform, panchokhas, boots, with mirrors, with a light, flat face,” with “scented and fuzzy fox.”

When he smiles, the wrinkles in his mouth form, “It seems unbearably rude and unacceptable.” Prince V. does not mean harm to anyone, does not fade away from his plans, but, like a socialite, makes sense of circumstances and connections in order to implement plans that naturally arise from his knowledge.

Married to Pierre Bezukhov, the heroine reveals to her husband no less than open-mindedness, coarseness of thought and vulgarity, and cynical desperation.

After breaking up with Pierre and separating from him for the trust of a large part of the troops, she lives now in St. Petersburg, now behind the cordon, now turns to the man. Regardless of the family breakdown, the constant change of khans, among Dol Okhov and Drubetskoy, E. will continue to lose one of the most famous and well-loved ladies in St. Petersburg. The light will have even great successes; tenacious alone, she becomes a member of the diplomatic and political salon, gaining a reputation as a reasonable woman.

In 1812 Do., above the Duma of the secular cells, revokes his princely dignity and is considered the commander-in-chief of the Russian army.

He is a favorite of soldiers and military officers. From the beginning of his activity, as the commander-in-chief, K. is aware that in order to win the campaign “it takes patience and time”, that all the right can be achieved not by knowledge, not by plans, not by reason, but by “anything else, regardless of reason.” nnya."

Similar to Tolstoy’s historical and philosophical concept, singularity cannot properly be integrated into the transition of historical principles. It is possible to create a “calm observation of the progress”, in order to learn everything, listen, remember, not to introduce anything worthless and not to allow anything worthless. Before and during the hour of the Battle of Borodino, the commander was preparing for the battle, together with all the soldiers and militias to pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk and during the hour of battle, she was acting with an “elusive force”, which is called the “spirit of the army” "

The pain seems to be felt by Do., praising decisions about the deprivation of Moscow, but “with all his Russian essence” he knows that the French will overcome.

Even as ordered, the crossing of Russia’s cordons in the presence of a hero gives Moscow peace of mind, and in the hour of war it does not hand over the legal move. Dayuchi Battle of Borodino

Because you will show cruelty and wrong., N. to find “mildly and mindlessly”, as the possibilities loom, wanting to somehow get out of his move, wanting to do nothing wrong.

Before the hour of the Battle of Borodino, he felt the sound and shaking, and after the new sight of the killed and wounded “overcame that spiritual strength, in which he respected his merit and greatness.”

In the author's opinion, N. was destined for a non-human role, his mind and conscience were darkened, and his morals were “too far from goodness and truth, and to far from being human.”

R. exudes tender, deep love and heartfelt kindness towards friends and children.

Like Illya Andriyovich, Countess Rostova was already fond of luxury and punishments of any kind. When leaving Moscow after the Battle of Borodino, the old count himself begins to slowly give supplies to the wounded, thus making one of the remaining blows to his camp.

His long novel with Sonya ends with the gentry's decisions to make friends with a dowry, against the will of his mother, against the will of Sonya, the sheet is taken away from Sonya in favor of freedom.

In 1812 One hour after N.’s trip to meet Princess Marya, she helps her leave Bogucharov. - Princess Maria impresses him with her sweetness and spirituality. After the death, Father N. goes out to the stand, taking on all the demands and duties of the deceased, worrying about his mother and Sonya. When meeting with Princess Volkonskaya, the relationship between nobles and sponkuniya invites uniqueness, one of the richest names, between them seems to be not weaker and ends in a happy love. Rostov Petya

young son Counts of Rostov, brother of Viri, Mikoli, Natasha.

R. began to live in luxury, in an atmosphere of prosperity and kindness.

long time ago She writes about friendship and trust in her children, spoils them, praises them for their shares. Regardless of obvious weakness and lack of will, the Countess makes reasonable decisions when it comes to children. Love for children was dictated by her desire to be friends with Mikola with a rich betrothed, clothes like Sonya.

The news about Petya's death should not be brought to God's mercy.

The only thing the countess is dissatisfied with is the old count’s inability to control the right and the small conflicts with him through the waste of children.

In this case, the heroine cannot understand neither the status of a man, nor the status of a son, with whom, after the death of the Count, he is deprived of all his whims and desires. - One of the main characters of the novel, Count Rostov’s daughter, Mikoli’s sister, Vira and Petya; Like the novel, the squad of Pierre Bezukhov.

These same blows and heartfelt experiences will spoil Natasha Rostova as an adult and give her mature love to Pierre Bezukhov.- niece and nephew of the old Count Rostov, who grew up with his family. The basis story lines S. put the share of T. A. Yergolskaya, relatives, close friend and the writer who lived until the end of her days Yasniy Polyani And there was a lot of reason why Tolstoy was inspired to take up literary work. However spiritual view Yergolsky is far from character and

inner light


On the beginning of the novel S. 15 Roki, there is a “thin, petite brunette with a soft, long-shaded look, a thick black braid that wrapped around her head, and a yellowish shade of skin on her face.” which is especially on the bare, skinny, yet graceful hands. The smoothness of the arms, the softness and ductility of the small members, and the somewhat cunning and streamlined manner here suggest the beauty of a cat that has not yet been formed, as if it were a charming intestine.”

During the battle, T. completely changes, revealing himself to be the hero of a fantastic picture, a hero who shoots cannonballs into the enemy, and the warriors of the harmati seem to smell like smoking pipes, like his hair.

T.'s battery was forgotten in the middle of battle, abandoned without protection. During the hour of battle, T. has no fear or thoughts about death or injury.

Everything becomes more and more fun for him, the soldiers hear him like children, but they do everything they can, and the village of Shengraben is always set on fire with their mettle. Andriy Bolkonsky blames the hero for his utter unacceptability (having been left out of the battlefield) by Andriy Bolkonsky, who tells Bagration that the people themselves are largely responsible for their success.

Sherer Ganna Pavlivna