Gribi Bilorusi: їstіvni, otrujni and spring vidi. Mushroom mice Bilorus

Nayimovirnishe, the vigor of the future will be high. It is also noted that in the Vitebsk and Minsk regions you can develop the most mushrooms. We represent your uvazi kіlka mісц, stars without a cat will not flow mushrooms.

Gribi під Мінський

Take it easy the most often choose the most distant routes. If you get used to it, you will get more mushrooms. For the sake of it, it is far from necessary. There are no less mushrooms in the Minsk forests than in the Bilorus forests.

Mushroom card


Everywhere procurement workers take on small mushrooms: pidinoviki, buttermilk, boletus, moss, pidberezniki, pineapple, syroezhki, chickens. Chanterelle mushrooms are a little more common. The managers of the whole are an amateur mushroom picker, who know a lot, during the season they can earn even a penny.

If you have a special car, then the right solutions will be viral to the leaves, as they roam at Vitebskiy straight from the highway (from Logoisk to the village of Pleshchenitsi). There are plenty of mushroom mushrooms. The most beautiful to such powers, like Molodi (roztashovuyutsya on the 9th kilometer), Mostischi, Aloshniki (on the 12th kilometer), Krokva (on the 19th kilometer), Pogrebishche, Takovshchina (on the 21st kilometer).

Since there is no special transport, then, if necessary, it can be done quickly and with a huge one. There is no electric trainer at the tsі mіstsya. Take a bus if you don't go so often. Naybilsh requested route є the route of the Logoisk-Kuti-Shvabi bus (to Zembin). But in the very season, there is no chance for a new one.

Tse mіsce pіd Мінський can be called one of the most popular. The sublime majestic fossil massif mіzh Logoisk, Pleschenitsy and Zembin prostrate for dozens of kilometers. Dani lisy roztashovani so that in them you can know the mushrooms themselves new species.

Vileyshina. Village Ilya

Pidbereznik, chanterelle zvichana ... More comfortable will be the car route. Demo to the village Illy from Minska, sent to the base in the form of "Ekonomist" (from UO "BDEU"). Here the mushrooms are roasted. It is possible to navigate to "Ekonomist" and not to reach it, even though the people of the Tsikh Mistsyah are even great.


At Stovtsy, mushroom pickers know the lack of noble specimens of mushrooms (chanterelles, boletus, pidberezniki, aspen mushrooms, pineapple mushrooms). You can call a tourist center under the name "Visokiy Bereg" as an organizer of the shopping mall. The seats can be accessed by public transport, by bus, and by electricity. By car, you will drive along the road at the bik of Brest, driving in Stovtsy to the village of Mikolaivshchina. Buses and electricians go near Brestskoy straight from Minsk. Stovptshchina to quiet the look of the boyish nature. Until then, there was Yakub Kolas's father-in-law.

Talcum powder

The whole mushroom route is more to go for quiet, who like walking and eating, so you can take 5-20 kilometers. Mushroom pickers may be prepared physically and spiritually to such a road. On the road from Minsk, you need to get to the Talka station, go straight through the village, go through a small field, go to the forest, Khvili country houses, a large field, straight through the rivals to a small bridge, cross the new one to the іnshy bіk, go into the forest ... I can start before picking up the mushrooms.

Do not sing - do not put the mushroom with cats

Surely, in the case of living, mushrooms need to be deprived of those, as you know well. In the first vipadku - so dearly vyde. Is it scary to drink one that vipadkovo to see a toadstool? Vihid є - "quiet love". At Bilorusi, guests of Minsk are welcomed, as they grow by the stag trees. There are few mushrooms there. Late, gentlemen, I’ll talk about an hour with you and become a companion in difficult situations for picking mushrooms. Pislya old walks around fossil mass Until then, you will have the opportunity to relax in sadibi: decrease in lazne, half a year savory kebabs make fresh mushroom soup.

If you are viral in the forest one by one, you will find everything you need from yourself, so you don’t get lost: a mobile phone, a compass, syrniks, nothing else, for a bite to eat. In a general order, take your friends and relatives to the pictures and where you go. Tse give power at once your infidelity at the sign of the hour of delivery of the pooch.

Stravi from mushrooms come out even more savory, ale the stench heavy. So, for example, young boletus mushrooms nagato korisnіshі, nіzh tsibulya and carrots. In a dried viglyadі stench will be calorіynіshim, nіzh egg and boiled cowbasa. For children up to seven years old, let the mushrooms not be categorically recommended. All that is, in the body, an enzyme that breaks down the mushroom block. Zvychayno, kozheny virіshu himself, shukati love mushrooms for khashchah or cupuvati in supermarkets pecheritsi ... Vibir will play only for you.

Passed past, I, as and a lot of residents of the rich, overwhelmed by the misery, were convinced to spend in nature. And now, you can take it down, but, having become embarrassed by the cat, virus at osinniy lis... Tim more the novelty about the "mushroom boom" has already spread all over Brest.

Mіsze hike I looked in the opposite direction, truly mushroom Brest dwellers respected Maloritsky directly. And the stations Zakrutin and Romatovo know, mabut, to the lovers of quiet love. Leaving the car rushing along the road, I got up narahuvati from two dozen parked on Uzbek cars, ale tse buv only a cob.

About those who have chosen the right route, drive the roadside architecture. On the right, along the path of the monsters from the ground, a 3-meter-long mushroom-tree is virosta. Shchepravda, zavdannya nyogo is not so aesthetic, like sanity. Slide means, even more tsikave rіshennya.

WCat the camping

With a skin kilometer, unaffected by the weather, the density of cars increases. The first one, who is brilliant at the back, is Volodymyr from Brest. Judge for a trophy, a mushroom picker with experience: “ For mushrooms, I’m gradually, I’m here too. Gribi є, ale the stink at once more young fox grow up. "

Brest resident Volodymyr

With mushroom excitement, їdemo dalі. There are trochas less than 8 km to the TPV polygon. About those who are not far from the mischievous place, I know a lot, I don’t want to travel around, our hero Valentine’s heroine will last: It's my daddy, there is a lot of mushrooms here. Mi on the polygon, nicoli is not zupinyaєmos. People pick up there a little closer, ale mi nikoli. "

Brestchanka Valentina

About the closeness of the smitєzvalischa to reduce the decay along the road smittya and fury, from which it is gradually embossed to the right. The journey is going on and the axis is not far from the dacha village, here it’s definitely worth it, kudi varto trimati shlyakh. Mistseva sack Galina with nostalgia zgadu, earlier in the cich mistsyah bulo rich boletus, the name of the dachas "Borova". But the rock of the skin is growing less and less: something from the influx of people, something from the ecology. On food about the closeness of smittya, my spyvrozmovnitsa hit with her head: “Well, I don’t pick up nicholas there, it’s extravagant to take care of the nearness, even there is everything that you want to carry. We were so worried, since everything was booming, but even if the radioactive burial ground was destroyed ”. Here and dachas, and mushrooms, I don’t know why the stench was here.

Being in such a close proximity to the memorial, I could not help but stay there. My journalistic tsikavist all the same led me to a small polygon of solid side-by-side entrances. The species is hostile! Surely, the best car I fucked in the perfect proximity to the hallway.

I didn’t make a mistake here. Proshuhati lis on the subject of yogo gift vyrishila nearer to the village local residents... Having broken a decent march of kidoks, I became conceited of a repeated rozcharuvannya. Krym fly agaric and smittya, lacking by "nature lovers" white mushroom... You can write off the price for lack of information, failure, or just for the appearance of mushrooms. And maybe, for the irony share, is there any mushroom fair in the vicinity of the TPV polygon?

A slid of mushroom pickers.

When I got to the village, I start to hear the little guys of the rocky eight years old, who have sped up to the house. The nobility of all mushrooms is also guilty: “ The mushroom is especially dumb,I didn’t know anything, but this year’s axis was big. Don't be smart, how can you grow up at once? "

Mistseviy inhabitant Maxim know the mushroom mice

Pislya rozmovi with the lad, I can rozcharuvannya slowly grow. On the way to home, I catch myself in the Duma: I don't care about the trophy, I go into it. All the same, it is just plainly infused into the soul of that mood.

The skin mushroom picker knows, for a long time "love" before cleaning most hour stand malovnichi images of fox gifts. All the way to the house, my uyava painted not the boletus and the mushrooms, but the teeth of our civilization with you: burn plastic dances, polyethylene bags and spontaneous smitty, which you would like to know in the common ...

Margarita Chortkova specially for the social portal Real Brest

Lisi Bilorusia bagaty for natural gifts. A unique land for climatic minds to allow lovers of quiet love to know the majesty of the number of young species of mushrooms. However, the results of walking the forest did not become unsatisfactory, it is necessary to identify the brown species.

The first mushrooms are to be repaired from the birch trees, or to lay it all down all the time and the peculiarities of the present warm days, some of the fallen and the other natural manifestations. Finish zbirannya as early as autumn, if cold days and frosts come.

De і yak pick up mushrooms in Bilorusia (video)

Mushrooms of Bilorusia

Most mushroom picks up from Minsk and Vitebsk. Most popular mushroom mushrooms:

  • Logoyshchina (Vitebskiy straight, lisi mіzh mіstom Logoisk and the village of Pleschenitsya);
  • Khatinsky Lisovy massif;
  • Village Illia;
  • Village Stovptsі;
  • Talka Station.

Map of the republic to introduce the development of routes for mushroom pickers. It is unnecessarily far away from the place of living, there are more mushrooms everywhere. Bilorus is the territory of mushroom meadows and the number of species of brown gifts to the forest.

First celebrations of mushrooms in Bilarus

Name the inventory of the mushrooms of Bilorus

Brown types of mushrooms may show you the characteristics. Їх to the first category in terms of living components.

Bilium mushroom

The name is boletus. Growth on light sleepyheads. You can find a tasty variety in birch groves, near small groves, bridles of forest roads and a stitch. Nizhka - volume, base shape - cylindrical, color - bilium, sometimes brown streaks can be poured. The droplet is nasal and massive, the surface of the yogi is similar to a velvety fabric. Kolir lie in the minds of sprouting that kind of runtu. Vіn can be bіlim and dark brown... Myakush does not hesitate to go to the pick, to be too white and naughty. To love mushrooms with moss, be a lover of a fox.


Small fruits grow in size. To that їхній Збір be happy, one sorceress to turn on a good strain for a great homeland. You can know the variety in foliage and small types of leaves. The chanterelles fix the game at the worm, and finish growing at the heather. The name was taken away through the yaskraviy ore kolіr, podіbny to a sly baggy lіsіv. Droplets have a very correct shape. Often the stench is twisted, tanned, and vicious. The lower surface is the folds of the yak plates. Ridkisny kolіr and the form grows a variety, does not give the opportunity to be merciful.

Maslyana (litnya abo granist)

Great groups know the way for Uzbeks. Oil grows in size, small fruits grow near the great ones. Porahuvati a bit of one family is not a shame, it can be 3 or 30. The vrozhainy rocky has one group to get along with, and it’s not just families, but a place of gifts. Droplets of small sizes 2 cm, large ones - up to 10 cm ... The surface is slimy, the skin is easy to know., before it settles into a yaskravo-zhovta or a zhovto-brown surface.

Old mushrooms are green, add thick. M'yakush droplet is also ma zhovty vidtinok. Nizhka tovsta, shortened, the surface of the її - granular. The most common name was butter. Nіzhki that droplet tubules see dots, so, if you pick up oil cans, they see a vologue.

Maslyana (litnya abo granist)

Zeleniy flywheel

The name was nagaduє misce, the first mushroom varieties were called moss. Dosvidchenі lisіvnikov razpovіdaut, how the moss grow order іf goose bumps. The smell of nagadu lisovy fruit... Taste the characteristics are not high, often take mushrooms, as well as there are no more high varieties for livable yakos. Droplets of storms with a greenish green, tubules on the inner surface of the same or in a living tone. Nіzhka vіddaє wormonim. Shchilny give you a sweet mushroom relish.


Have a bagato variety folk names: obabok, birch, chornogolovok. Mushroom loves great gourmets, that is the only name of the name it picks up the leaves. You can grow in bogs, birch trees, galiavinas. Vvazhayut for beautifully z'yavat vdovzh fox stitch, knotted. Often the stench is seen in the middle of young birches.



Stіvny tubular grade - mriya vіdvіduvacha lіsu. Chervony drops can be seen nearby. The stench will delight mushroom pickers, you can pick up boletus boletus. The red boletus itself is the hero of charming plots. The droplet is nasal, on the spines - beads. See the characteristics of the droplet and nizhni ... Chervonogoloviki can reach the majestic razmіrіv, The diameter of the head is up to 50 cm, so the giants can save their life power. Pick up the most small and average mushrooms for sizes.



To enter the family of moss, ale, to be called and to relish. Yogo often stray from a big mushroom, the mind is from the pulp. Won with the appearance of a change in color, blue. The drop behind the color is similar to chocolate. The tubules of the lower part are green-yellow, if they are stamped on the inner surface - that blue. Low, high, narrow and light.

Rizhik... Spravzhn_y variety maє bagatu history... Vin embellished the style of the royal families and zvychaynyh villagers. The droplet has a small plate-like shape. Garniy color is brightly pommel in grass: orange cola, which can be passed over in chervona and rozevi. Concentric forms on the surface are clear. Spots of orange juice can be seen on the image. Mushrooms are suitable for new recipes: salting, adding, lubricating. A special strava is a mine on the road.

Yak vibrati ustivny mushroom at the fox (video)

Cut off and unacceptable species of mushrooms in Bilorus

In the republic, you can pick up pomilkovo and not safe mushrooms, the stench can lead to strong rejection of the body, intoxication and death. Such a natural setting is attributed to two groups: unacceptable and frustrated. Nezpechnіshі ostnі. The stink of death is an important form of illness. Hallucinogenic varieties, which grow up in the forests of Bilorus, cause terrible damage to the body, which is more beautiful than ominati.

New varieties

  • Zhovchny. The name is similar from boletus. The appearance of the tubes is the form of a droplet. The shkirka is wedged in with a garmat, a step-by-step disappears, and the surface becomes smooth. The variety has no smell. Myakush is horny and hot. A dark grid appears on the screen.
  • Hibny chanterelles. The shape of the droplet can be seen from the reference, especially at the edges. The stench of rіvnі, read. Near the traditional corrugated land. Hibny mushrooms still love shkidniki, worms make the flesh of the infidels, as not to shy away with these fair varieties.
  • Rows. Tilo varieties are similar in appearance to peeled walnut... Likewise, impervious surfaces, wiping, wrinkling and squeezing into one head. Droplets stand on short legs, empty and dry. The number of shkirki is young, it’s a worm, it’s a worm, it’s a worm iznimy.
  • List. The mushroom can be mistaken for butter. The shape of the droplet is rounded, myakush, nіzhka - everything is practical to grow up with a kind of їstіvny variety. The reason is that the shkirka does not know about the surface, because she is angry with the mushroom. Smak nagaduє pepper, name stars.

Otruynі vidi

  • Blida toadstool. A non-baked variety of a lamellar viglyad. Lack of knowledge of the lovers of the fox are wandering from syroezhki, cakes. Droplets zm_nuyut zabarvlennya, can be white-green or sirimi. The upper part of the opucleus is stretched out. Toadstools have no smell of that relish. Dovzhina nіzhki reach 16 cm, before a drop the circle grows out, as you step by step know.
  • Nonsense abo hibnoofenok... The upper part of the viglyad of the dvinochka gradually expands and becomes flat. In not safe varieties, there are no spidnichki with a drop. Smak hot and unacceptable, the smell is the same. Descho otruyny variety grows behind the color: zhovtiy z chervonim or oranges, the completion of the droplet is svitlishe, to the center - darker.
  • Amanita. Chervoni droplets, see the pictures of children's books, love the children. Particularly not safe, since they appeared from the earth without great beaches. Їх cheat іf wormheads and orphans. It is important to close your head. There are plates typical for toadstools. The mushrooms may be even larger, far away from the middle of the grass.

Spring mushrooms near Bilorus forest

The season of early spring mushrooms is at hand. There are two sorts:

  1. rows;
  2. snakes.

One can live in a living, and one can live in one. The leather variety has its own pomilkov analogs. Mushrooms are similar, but only for the advice of a mushroom picker, even if you do not become a master of the insecure sirovini, you can pick it up, but give it more beautiful trimmies.

Zmorshki vvazhayutsya delicacy, with special, invisible words, relish. Recipes have been broken down for these blanks. Zmorshki become a component of liquid warehouses, which can be used to liquefy the eyes. The name of the viglyad morel is not inviting:

  • tendered;
  • zhovty vidtinok of the upper part;
  • wax-like filling;
  • sweet scent.

Grow up in one or small groups. To see a perevagu tini and a withered leaf, when you see people.

Take off in rows to accumulate in vіku. Chim is the elder mushroom, Tim is not safe. Drying toxins. Such young and small sorts of sorts will shine on light and bright dreams. Hanging material boil and fearlessly manage from the hedgehog. Ale such kulіnarnі vysukuvannya is more beautiful to trust the professionals, as there will be in the memory of the truthfulness of mushrooms, іхній safety for people.